Ranking The Detroit Red Wings Top 10 Prospects! #atlantic #AtlanticDivision #chiarot #Compher #copp #cossa #Danielson #datsyuk #DeBrincat #Detroit #DetroitRedWings #EasternConference #edvinsson #fabbri #gostisbehere #hockey #holl #husso #kasper #Kubalík #lalonde #larkin #lgrw #lidstrom #lindstrom #lombardi #Lyon #Maatta #mazur #NHL #Pellikka #perron #rasmussen #raymond #RedWings #Reimer #Seider #soderblom #Sprong #veleno #wallinder #walman #yzerman #Zadina #zetterberg
#atlantic #atlanticdivision #chiarot #compher #copp #cossa #danielson #datsyuk #debrincat #detroit #detroitredwings #easternconference #edvinsson #fabbri #gostisbehere #hockey #holl #husso #kasper #kubalik #lalonde #larkin #lgrw #lidstrom #lindstrom #lombardi #lyon #maatta #mazur #nhl #pellikka #perron #rasmussen #raymond #redwings #reimer #seider #soderblom #sprong #veleno #wallinder #walman #yzerman #zadina #zetterberg Predicting The Opening Night Lineup! #atlantic #AtlanticDivision #chiarot #Compher #copp #cossa #Danielson #datsyuk #DeBrincat #Detroit #DetroitRedWings #EasternConference #edvinsson #fabbri #gostisbehere #hockey #holl #husso #kasper #Kubalík #lalonde #larkin #lgrw #lidstrom #lindstrom #lombardi #Lyon #Maatta #mazur #NHL #Pellikka #perron #rasmussen #raymond #RedWings #Reimer #sebrango #Seider #soderblom #Sprong #veleno #wallinder #walman #yzerman #Zadina #zetterberg
#atlantic #atlanticdivision #chiarot #compher #copp #cossa #danielson #datsyuk #debrincat #detroit #detroitredwings #easternconference #edvinsson #fabbri #gostisbehere #hockey #holl #husso #kasper #kubalik #lalonde #larkin #lgrw #lidstrom #lindstrom #lombardi #lyon #maatta #mazur #nhl #pellikka #perron #rasmussen #raymond #redwings #reimer #sebrango #seider #soderblom #sprong #veleno #wallinder #walman #yzerman #zadina #zetterberg ALEX DEBRINCAT IS A DETROIT RED WING #atlantic #AtlanticDivision #chiarot #Compher #copp #cossa #Danielson #datsyuk #DeBrincat #Detroit #DetroitRedWings #EasternConference #edvinsson #fabbri #gostisbehere #hockey #holl #husso #kasper #Kubalík #lalonde #larkin #lgrw #lidstrom #lindstrom #lombardi #Lyon #Maatta #mazur #NHL #Pellikka #perron #rasmussen #raymond #RedWings #Reimer #sebrango #Seider #soderblom #Sprong #veleno #wallinder #walman #yzerman #Zadina #zetterberg
#atlantic #atlanticdivision #chiarot #compher #copp #cossa #danielson #datsyuk #debrincat #detroit #detroitredwings #easternconference #edvinsson #fabbri #gostisbehere #hockey #holl #husso #kasper #kubalik #lalonde #larkin #lgrw #lidstrom #lindstrom #lombardi #lyon #maatta #mazur #nhl #pellikka #perron #rasmussen #raymond #redwings #reimer #sebrango #seider #soderblom #sprong #veleno #wallinder #walman #yzerman #zadina #zetterberg
#Rasmussen has always been--and will continue to be--Right-wing trash! FiveThirtyEight should dump it, ASAP!
Venstre (Danimarca)
Questo partito danese di centrodestra ha come nome "Sinistra". I danesi votando "Sinistra" votano nella direzione praticamente opposta. Il partito è stato guidato da Rasmussen, che ha anche ricoperto la carica di Primo ministro; nell'aprile 2009, #Rasmussen è stato nominato Segretario Generale della #NATO. Da allora "Sinistra" è andata a destra, al punto che oggi Rasmussen ipotizza un intervento diretto in #Ucraina con truppe sul campo.
#Ucraina, #Rasmussen: "Truppe di Paesi Nato pronte ad agire"
"Se la #Nato non riesce a concordare un percorso chiaro per l'Ucraina, c'è una chiara possibilità che alcuni paesi individualmente possano agire".
#Danimarca #ParlamentoUE
Bergur Løkke #Rasmussen (#M|RE): “Moderaterne è ora un membro ufficiale di Renew Europe, dopo esserne stato analizzato in un ufficio e poi in una riunione di gruppo. In entrambi i posti, senza ulteriori commenti e con grandi applausi.”
#danimarca #ParlamentoUE #rasmussen #m
#Danimarca #ParlamentoUE
L’europarlamentare di #M|RE, Bergur Løkke #Rasmussen, ha aderito al gruppo di Renew Europe, determinando di fatto l’ingresso del partito danese nel gruppo parlamentare europeo.
#danimarca #ParlamentoUE #m #rasmussen
#Rasmussen lied to people taking its #poll about #race in order to ensure a false and racially incendiary outcome.
:verified: @juddlegum Well golly gee whiz, one would almost get the impression that #Rasmussen isn't a so much a legitimate #polling organization as a front for #fascist #propaganda.
#rasmussen #polling #fascist #propaganda
Before people get too worked up about the recent Rasmussen poll about racism (footnote 1), I want to talk about what the responses may mean. I am not an expert on these topics, but cannot find any write-up of these specific issues.
As a preface, poll responses never have a clear meaning, especially when the questions are contrived like the Rasmussen racism questions were (e.g. "who do you expect to vote for?" is much more straight-forward than "Do you agree that 'it is OK to be white'?"). Scientists rarely use a snapshot like this to understand anything -- instead, they use time-series data to track changes in opinion over time. They also tend to ask more questions to flesh out what people are thinking. But generally, scientists would stay away from asking questions that have so much room for interpretation. But Rasmussen is a propaganda group, not scientists.
Let's start with "Black people can be racist, too", since I think this is the simpler statement. Rasmussen's summary of the poll results showed how they intended this question -- as an indicator of "woke ideology" (2). In this case, there are two basic ways to interpret the word 'racism': individual prejudice based on perceived race, or a system of oppression based on racial categorization. Rejection of "Black people can be racist" is probably meant to show that the person used the second definition when interpreting the question. However, even a person using the second definition could say that a Black person is racist if they are thinking of 'internalized racism'.
This is actually a good segue to the next question, since the 'internalized racism' is what prompted the "Black Pride" movement as a response to being bombarded with anti-Black attitudes from mainstream American society. This is why "Black Pride" is defensive while "White Pride" is offensive.
The second question is the one that prompted Scott Adams' racist rant -- "It's OK to be white". At first glance, this seems like an inoffensive statement to most people, but it is such a weird, irrelevant statement that many people would stop to think "why would somebody ask about this". If you know where this statement comes from, you'd know that you were being asked to endorse a white supremacist trolling campaign (3). Yikes. If you are familiar with the rhetoric of White Pride, you'd recognize this as a racist meme. Yikes again. If you are familiar with the history of racism--one of the main political movements of the past 400 years--you'd know that 'white' is a label that a bunch of tyrants applied to themselves as a way to justify oppression of others. Again, yikes!
Finally, after hearing the questions, respondents may have realized that this survey by Rasmussen was just a trolling campaign, and then declined to participate ('not sure') or intentionally provided an erratic or irritating response.
So, if it isn't clear yet, the responses in no way indicate widespread bigotry against white people. I won't deny that such bigotry exists, but it is largely expressed by small marginalized groups. It is a totally different beast than these outrage campaigns orchestrated by powerful white people like Rasmussen and Adams.
#racism #polling #rasmussen #dilbert #scottadams
The whole #Rasmussen #Propaganda poll on #ItsOkayToBeWhite seems clearly intended to divide the USA. It makes me wonder where the funding to produce this type of propaganda comes from. In whose interest is it for Americans to be divided and hate each other?
#rasmussen #propaganda #itsokaytobewhite
Saw the latest #Dilbert guy racist/bad behavior in the #News and was bothered by the lack of depth and context in the reporting.
1. Most web reports by reputable sources quoted Adams only in very small snippets making it difficult to get the context and full meaning of his words.
2. They didn't link to the #Rasmussen tweet or explain the trolling implicit in it, or explain that that was what Adams was responding to.
3. They didn't link to the ridiculous video Rasmussen put out w/r/t their polling data.
4. And most egregiously, they didn't make it clear why the phrase is problematic just in case people weren't familiar with it's history or link to some place like the #ADL to help people get context.
#dilbert #news #rasmussen #adl
Bei der 23. Außenpolitischen Jahrestagung #AuPo2023 der Böll Stiftung spricht der ehemalige #NATO Generalsekretär Anders Fogh #Rasmussen Klartext: "To maintain peace you need to be prepared for war"
Ex #NATO-Generalsekretär Anders Fogh #Rasmussen kritisiert die Zurückhaltung #Deutschland's bei der Lieferung schwerer Waffen und #Leopard MBT an die #Ukraine scharf. Kanzler #Scholz habe eine historische Chance verpasst. Aber es sei noch nicht zu spät.⏰
#nato #rasmussen #deutschland #leopard #ukraine #scholz
Lars Løkke #Rasmussen (#M|Centro): "il governo vuole ottenere obiettivi climatici ambiziosi. Velocità e ritmo sulla transizione ecologica, in modo da poterci sbarazzare dei gas di #Putin."
#danimarca #rasmussen #m #putin
Lars Løkke #Rasmussen (#M|Centro): "il governo vuole ottenere obiettivi climatici ambiziosi. Velocità e ritmo sulla transizione ecologica, in modo da poterci sbarazzare dei gas di #Putin."
#danimarca #rasmussen #m #putin
Lars Løkke #Rasmussen (#M|Centro): "Abbiamo discusso se il sistema delle pensioni debba essere riformato. Bisogna istituire una pensione anticipata."
Lars Løkke #Rasmussen (#M|Centro): "Credo che la Danimarca sia meglio servita dall'unità piuttosto che dalla divisione e dai compromessi piuttosto che dalle richieste estreme. Sono orgoglioso di essere qui."
"Herr #Scholz, worauf warten Sie noch?" Das schreibt der frühere #NATO-Generalsekretär Anders Fogh #Rasmussen heute im Berliner #Tagesspiegel:
#Scholz #nato #rasmussen #Tagesspiegel