The #Walmart of polling pivots to support rt wing #ConspiracyTheories w/ its polling. "They’re such big players...they can move that #market on their own." 4mons after the election #RasmussenReports now claims #KariLake did, in fact, win.
"FiveThirtyEight —recently threatened to 'formally ban' it from their election coverage, includg removing it frm #election forecasting models, unless it answered questions abt its methodology & relationship w/several rt-wing outlets, like Bannon’s 'War Room.”
#Election #karilake #rasmussenreports #market #conspiracytheories #walmart
Hey! Can we cancel #RasmussenReports yet? Let me know, okay?
Rasmussen is to social science what Kid Rock is to music.
#fuckrasmussen #rasmussenreports
No one can stop #RasmussenReports from publishing their bullshit polls, but media outlets can refuse to amplify them! Rasmussen is Right-wing trash.
#fuckrasmussen #rasmussenreports