This #raspberripy controversy is weird.
Their deserve all the backlash for their condescending replies and blocking people for voicing concern.
Unless you think police shouldn't exist at all and police shouldn't have any surveillance capabilities, there really isn't much reason to act like a surveillance cop is antichrist.
State needs to have power to enforce its (i.e. ours, ideally) laws. Otherwise it's powerless against motivated groups who just don't care you don't like them.
Define mi personalidad en 1 foto: #películas de #Disney, #café, #rotuladores, #acuarelas, #Linux, #lettering , #acuariofilia , #plantas , #teleoperador , #apple , #MacminiM1 , #raspberripy ... Y a ver qué más veis... Faltan los #libros y las #peliculas de #terror vamos que soy un #caos 🤣🤣🤣
#peliculas #disney #cafe #rotuladores #acuarelas #linux #lettering #acuariofilia #plantas #teleoperador #apple #MacminiM1 #raspberripy #libros #terror #caos
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