#GCE e2-micro free-tier的磁碟性能讓人想放棄,跑個apt upgrade只更新google-cloud-cli套件,更新了一小時都還沒跑完
說不定連 #RaspberryPi3b 都比它快
* #XboxOneS
* #N2DS
* #SwitchLite Coming Soon 😍
( and for the retrogaming ❤️
* #RaspberryPi3B+ X #Recalbox / #Retropie
* #DsLite )
#xboxones #n2ds #switchlite #raspberrypi3b #recalbox #dslite #retropie
#openmediavault gave me such a headache today when I tried to tinker with my #raspberrypi3b
The install script murdered my network configuration. Rebuilding from fresh install now because it was easier than trying to undo the mess. Definitely no #jellyfin #docker for me today
#docker #jellyfin #raspberrypi3b #openmediavault
Ich will, ich will (aufdenbodenstampf), ich will einen #raspberrypi3b - und nicht aus der Apotheke oder vom Mond.
Ich will, ich will.
ich habe mir ja eine kleine #Wetterstation aus einem #raspberrypi3b und zwei Sensoren (#bme280 und einen für die Außentemperatur) gebastelt. Hier kommen die Messwerte (Innen-/Außentemperatur) für 2022:
#wetterstation #raspberrypi3b #bme280
This is gross and even worse is their dismissive, mocking, smarmy reaction to people's justifiable concerns. Clearly not any kind of serious people over there at @Raspberry_Pi #raspberrypifoundation #RaspberryPis #raspberrypi3b #raspberrypi3 #raspberrypicamera
#raspberrypicamera #raspberrypi3 #raspberrypi3b #RaspberryPis #raspberrypifoundation
So the #PyGame v2 to which I updated via PyPi on my #RaspberryPi3B+ doesn’t contain all the modules. I’m finding this out module by module as I follow along with a tutorial. (Grumpy face emoji)
So the #PyGame v2 to which I updated via PyPi on my #RaspberryPi3B+ doesn’t contain all the modules. I’m finding this out module by module as I follow along with a tutorial. (Grumpy face emoji)
Does anyone know how to connect to #raspi #raspberrypi3b GPIO pins with a non-linux OS, namely #plan9 #9front? Trying to make a computer using only on-hand parts but the only available screen is a square hyperpixel 4 which reads from the GPIO pins
#9front #plan9 #raspberrypi3b #raspi
A few disclaimers on this though:
I did read that you should really start from a fresh image of you do this, since there's first-boot initialization that captures things like network interfaces.
Also while the #raspberrypi3b did just work when I moved the sd card over, the #wavesharev3 display required a custom build from master. The most recent GitHub release only supports the v2 hat.
I got a bad #RaspberryPiZeroW from eBay, and I was super bummed to have to delay my #pwnagotchi project. On a whim though, I shoved the waveshare v3 hat on a #RaspberryPi3b I had lying around and... it just worked? Hey, I'm not complaining :blob_cat_surprised:
#raspberrypizerow #pwnagotchi #raspberrypi3b #raspberrypi #wifi #hacking
Shoot an Email to Get a Shot - [_Pegor] wanted to create a shot pouring machine for their friends birthday. Unfor... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/17/shoot-an-email-to-get-a-shot/ #drinkmixingrobot #peristalicpump #raspberrypi3b #robotshacks #homehacks #drinkbot #barbot #drink
#drink #barbot #drinkbot #homehacks #robotshacks #raspberrypi3b #peristalicpump #drinkmixingrobot
Shoot an Email to Get a Shot
#drinkmixingrobot #peristalicpump #RaspberryPi3B+ #RobotsHacks #homehacks #drinkbot #barbot #drink
#drinkmixingrobot #peristalicpump #raspberrypi3b #RobotsHacks #homehacks #drinkbot #barbot #drink
Estic molt satisfet de com funciona tot plegat. La tasca de la #RaspberryPI3B torna a ser, només, fer de servidor #DNS, tant intern com extern, per els dispositius de la xarxa de casa. Es nota força la diferència respecte a un servidor DNS extern, més rapid resolen IPs.
En la #RaspberryPI4B hi tinc un servidor #Mastodon i un #Pleroma, dos fitxers #Bash respectius envien automàticament la IP pública al servidor DNS de mastodont.cat per a actualitzar el registre A de cada un dels dos subdominis.
#raspberrypi3b #dns #raspberrypi4b #mastodon #pleroma #bash
Ara que porto dies fent anar #Pleroma en una #RaspberryPI3B+ i anys administrant aquest servidor #Mastodon tinc clar que si vols tenir un servidor social on es puguin registrar milers d'usuaris l'elecció és Mastodon. Si per el contrari vols gaudir d'absoluta #sobirania fediversal i tens una Raspberry a casa, instal·la-hi Pleroma on seràs l'únic admin i usuari a l'hora.
#pleroma #raspberrypi3b #mastodon #sobirania
Die kleinen Freuden eines #Linux - Nutzers (16 Jahre Anwendung): Updaten eines #raspberrypi3b per #ssh (zum ersten Mal). Der Raspi wurde letztens durch einen #raspberrypi4 ausgetauscht (Verwendung: Bringe das smart zum TV) und wartet auf die Anschlussverwendung (Plan: #Wetterstation).
#raspberrypi4 #raspberrypi3b #wetterstation #linux #ssh
I'm probably going to flood the #fediverse with #popos on #raspberrypi3b updates. Anyways I had to drop to the tty to run an update which has over 230 something packages
#fediverse #popos #raspberrypi3b
just got a good deal to buy someone’s Raspberry Pi 3b+ starter kit.
I want to install Pi-Hole on this baby and say goodbye to ads once & for all on my LAN.
Can anyone offer some advice for a raspberry newbie here? I found this guide, hope it’s good enough https://www.smarthomebeginner.com/pi-hole-setup-guide/
#raspberrypi #raspbian #raspberrypi3b #pihole