After much deliberation, I've finally gone ahead with a #raspberrypi4b 8GB at retail price. I can't tell you how stoked I am!! #rpi4b #rpi #Docker #homelab #selfhosting #portainer
#raspberrypi4b #rpi4b #rpi #docker #homelab #selfhosting #portainer
finally got to wrap up my migration to diy #rpi based #nas, pihole and home assistant, with two 3.5" HDDs, 4-way switch, 5v/12v PSU.. used one #raspberrypi2 and two #raspberrypi4b
just need to break one hdd out of its old RAID still..
maintainability can be improved as access to some things is restricted, but that's a learning for some other time...
#rpi #nas #raspberrypi2 #raspberrypi4b
Let's hope that soon we'll be able to buy some #raspberrypi4b 8 gigs at normal prices. 'cause my pi 4b with only 2 gigs is oh so slow running #Debian bullseye, #chromium with #HomeAssitant.
Just not enough ram 😭
#raspberrypi4b #debian #chromium #HomeAssitant
把 #frigate 從 #HomeAssistant 搬到 #Unraid ,看到耗電量只能搖頭。
原本在 Home Assistant 是安裝在 #RaspberryPi4B ,影像解碼用 Rpi4 的GPU,物件識別是用 Coral USB Accelerator,整機耗電量應該是5~7W,沒實際測量過。
換到 Unraid 上頭,影像解碼跟物件識別都是 Nvidia Geforce 1060 6GB。耗電量從 98W 上升到 118W,這能效實在太差了。
#frigate #homeassistant #unraid #raspberrypi4b
Only using it for home assistant, on a #raspberrypi4b, so fingers crossed, don't know how to update kernel without doing anything else
It's not my main computer, that's a #archlinux setup, which I prefer
#Debian installed kernel version 5.10.0-23-arm64
#archlinux installed kernel version 6.2.10-1-aarch-64-ARCH
Le Debian kernel version is prehistoric 😩
#raspberrypi4b #debian #archlinux
Have now got Debian Buster 64 setup on my #raspberrypi #raspberrypi4b running just nicely.
Also have done a SD Flash with #arch 64 (which I prefer), installed it using terminal line by line, and got that working just fine as a test system.
Using the #Debian setup though as couldn't get #ha #HomeAssitant #Sonoff usb dongle, #ZigBeeMQTT #mosquitto to install on Arch. Sadly all is done for them to run on Debian. 😢 Been a busy couple of days 😁
#raspberrypi #raspberrypi4b #arch #debian #ha #HomeAssitant #sonoff #zigbeemqtt #mosquitto
My first #ZigBee device added to#HomeAssitant #Sonoff
Easy add on even if HA is over complicated
Running HA on a Debian Buster setup (sadly as I don't like Debian) on a #raspberrypi4b so far so good
#zigbee #sonoff #raspberrypi4b
Upgrade RAM On Your Pi 4, The Fun Way #memoryupgrade #RaspberryPi4B #BGAsoldering #RaspberryPi4 #RaspberryPi #RepairHacks #ramupgrade #ram
#memoryupgrade #raspberrypi4b #bgasoldering #raspberrypi4 #RaspberryPi #RepairHacks #ramupgrade #ram
Upgrade RAM On Your Pi 4, The Fun Way - The Raspberry Pi shortage has been a meme in hacker circles for what feels like an... - #memoryupgrade #raspberrypi4b #bgasoldering #raspberrypi4 #raspberrypi #repairhacks #ramupgrade #ram
#ram #ramupgrade #repairhacks #raspberrypi #raspberrypi4 #bgasoldering #raspberrypi4b #memoryupgrade
A friend recently gave me a Raspberry Pi 4 B. Finally had time to boot it up this morning. It’s fascinating!
#raspberrypi #raspberrypi4b #tech
Have been running a #Minecraft server here for my kid and his friends, on a #RaspberryPi4B with 4Gb RAM. They say that that's the minimum ram. Buuuuut.. I have several 3B's here, one of which I'd like to repurpose for the task. I get that I should run it off of a separate USB HD or SSD due to lots of writes, and I have one of those. Curious as to exactly how much power I need spare in order to stand up a server that maybe 5-6 people will be using. Worth a shot.. 🤷♂️ 👍
Oh. And I have an old #ODROID C2 gathering dust which I might look at for the task. If memory serves, despite being from 2017 the C2 is still more powerful than the Pi4.
#minecraft #raspberrypi4b #odroid
Estic migrant configuració i base de dades de la meva instància #Akkoma a des de la tarjeta SD de la #RaspberryPi4B al disc dur extern USB, on ja hi tinc funcionant Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS (la Raspberry Pi 4B engega un sistema operatiu d'un disc dur USB extern sense problemes).
@spla de fet despres de provar els ssd al meu sobretaula mai canviaria a un convencional! Menys si fas servir la #raspberrypi4b com a centre multimèdia o servidor tot i que són més cars es clar...
La #RaspberryPI4B pot arrencar un sistema operatiu des d'un disc dur extern directament, no cal fer res perquè aquesta posibilitat ve activada de fàbrica:
Ho he provat i funciona! El problema és que he notat aquestes interferències que diuen en la captura al tenir connectat el disc dur extern en el port USB 3.0: el teclat sense fils anava quan volia o no anava...
Per això recomanen que el disc dur extern sigui SSD, per a minoritzar aquestes "penjades" puntuals.
Tinc inoperant la meva instància #Akkoma a Executo la versió de desenvolupament en la #RaspberryPi4B i ahir, després de fer un "git pull" per a actualitzar-la, em dona d'error de compilació.
He obert una incidència en el repositori oficial per ajudar-los a millorar el seu projecte:
Ha pujat la temperatura dos graus i mig perquè he connectat el ventilador en el pin de 3,3volts (el tenia en el de 5volts).
A 5 volts el ventilador feia un soroll molt fluix però a 3,3 volts ja ni se sent.
Crec que si hi instal·lo #Nextcloud en la #RaspberryPi4B ja seria massa, menja força recursos...
Monitoritzant la #RaspberryPi4B amb #Grafana, #InfluxDB i #Telegraf.
A més dels servidors Grafana, InfluxDB i Telegraf, està executant un servidor #Mastodon, un servidor #Pleroma i el servidor #Postgresql que els dos programaris socials necessiten.
Com es veu en els gràfics, la Pi 4B pot amb tot això sense problemes!
#raspberrypi4b #grafana #influxdb #telegraf #mastodon #pleroma #postgresql