#FairPhone5 is a wonderful news. Now I would dream of #raspberrypi5 ASAP and powerful as an #Apple #m1 😅
#fairphone5 #raspberrypi5 #apple #M1
@Raspberry_Pi Hopefully a few more assembly lines are in the future! And will there ever be a #RaspberryPi5 ?
@Raspberry_Pi Is there even a slight chance we could reg rid of mini/micro-HDMI in a future #RaspberryPi5? Just wondering...
I know some people who preferred the RP3B over the RP4 simply because of a more common port for a video signal.
Might I suggest USB-C if regular HDMI and DisplayPort are out of the question?
The adapters and cables for micro/mini-HDMI are extremely rare here...
@Raspberry_Pi what do you mean, there’s not going to be a Raspberry Pi 5 in 2023? I need one. I’m not saying that habe a Pi hoarder problem, but I’m also not not saying that. Come on, just make one. Please. #raspberryPi #raspberryPi5
書きました! / Raspberry Pi、Raspberry Pi 5の発売は、少なくとも4年後になる?? - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#RaspberryPi #RaspberryPi5
書きました! / Raspberry Pi、Raspberry Pi 5の発売は、少なくとも4年後になる?? - ジャンクお宝鑑定団
#RaspberryPi #RaspberryPi5
Raspi-Gründer: Kein #RaspberryPi5 im Jahr 2023 | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Raspi-Gruender-Kein-Raspberry-Pi-5-im-Jahr-2023-7433114.html #RaspberryPi
Raspberry Pi 5 Not Launching Until After 2023
#raspbian #raspberrypi #raspberrypi5 #linux #opensource
Raspberry Pi 5 not arriving in 2023 as company hopes for a “recovery year” - Raspberry Pi CEO Eben Upton said in a recent interview that next year i... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1906054 #raspberrypi3a #raspberrypi4 #raspberrypi5 #raspberrypi #supplychain #pandemic #biz #tech
#tech #biz #pandemic #supplychain #raspberrypi #raspberrypi5 #raspberrypi4 #raspberrypi3a
Raspberry Pi 5 Not Launching Until After 2023 - Raspberry Pi Taking a "recovery year"
#raspberrypi #raspberrypi5
Raspi-Gründer: Kein Raspberry Pi 5 im Jahr 2023
Schon heute hat der Bastelcomputer Raspberry Pi 4 eine längere Lebensdauer ohne Nachfolger als alle anderen Raspis. Ein 5er-Modell ist trotzdem nicht in Sicht.
#einplatinencomputer #raspberrypi #raspberrypi5 #news
I'm actually really looking forward for #raspberrypi5 , it sounds really promising and I'd like to try some projects I have in mind with higher specs. Should I buy one once they become available or wait for the price to drop?
Quand la Fondation Raspberry Pi annonce de façon humoristique et détournée qu'elle travaille à la conception du #raspberrypi5