#BeagleBonesBlack To-Test:
1.) Check how it performs wiht pihole (or if i t can run pihole).
My #RaspberryPiZeroW is fine but it does have slowdown points; I do kind of wish there was an easy way to cluster two to act as autobackups for each other. I should research that.
2.) Check if the OS will let me mount a USB as a bin or sbin or use it hold bin/sbin programs and link them into bin/sbin.
3.) See if there's a better OS or if the more recent BB Kernel updates are compatible with BB's.
#beaglebonesblack #raspberrypizerow
I'm thinking about getting 2-3 of these and using them with #RaspberryPIZeroW machines in the #van as a dashboard with more functionality than a standard dashboard can offer. I really love how circular these things are and that they are 2.1" touchscreen LCDs!
#Raspberry #RaspberryPI #Pimoroni #LCD #RoundDisplay #FunProject
#raspberrypizerow #van #raspberry #raspberrypi #pimoroni #lcd #rounddisplay #funproject
A new RPI Zero 2 W going as a wireless printer server. #raspberrypi #raspberrypizerow
#raspberrypi #raspberrypizerow
#RaspberryPiZeroW really really hated Raspberry OS lite. I am noting this here so I remember and don't try that nonsense again.
For the life of me, though, I can't work out why.
Note: #RaspberryPiZeroW really is the perfect pihole. And it's tiny.
Install Raspberry Pi Lite OS; anything else is overkill. You do not need anything but terminal here.
After a few test runs, I worked out a profile which turned out to be the very bare basics.. It's about an hour to do everything, but it only takes that long because sd cards are unholy slow and Zero only has one processor.
Zero's name is Hecuba, joining Andromeda, Jocasta, and Eurydice among my Pis
Puppeteer auf einem Raspberry Pi Zero W laufen zu lassen ist keine gute Idee. Es gibt Dinge die sollte man nicht tun, auch wenn Sie theoretisch möglich sind. 🙈 #feierabend #erkenntnisse #raspberrypi #raspberrypizero #raspberrypizerow #node #nodejs #puppeteer #headless
#feierabend #erkenntnisse #raspberrypi #raspberrypizero #raspberrypizerow #node #nodejs #puppeteer #headless
Boston students win 2022 NASA Space Apps global championship #Python #RaspberryPi #Space @nasa https://blog.adafruit.com/2023/01/05/boston-students-win-2022-nasa-space-apps-global-championship-python-raspberrypi-space-nasa/ #raspberrypizerow #ledmatrices #raspberrypi #education #displays #projects #students #python #space #leds #nasa
#ledmatrices #nasa #python #space #education #projects #students #leds #raspberrypi #raspberrypizerow #displays
Trying to see how much #selfhosted services I can stuff into a spare #raspberrypizerow I had lying around using #dietpi
#selfhosted #raspberrypizerow #dietpi
I got a bad #RaspberryPiZeroW from eBay, and I was super bummed to have to delay my #pwnagotchi project. On a whim though, I shoved the waveshare v3 hat on a #RaspberryPi3b I had lying around and... it just worked? Hey, I'm not complaining :blob_cat_surprised:
#raspberrypizerow #pwnagotchi #raspberrypi3b #raspberrypi #wifi #hacking
Sleep Easy With the Fishes Well Fed - Sometimes daily tasks, like feeding pets, can feel like a real chore. To help with... - https://hackaday.com/2022/10/10/sleep-easy-with-the-fishes-well-fed/ #raspberrypizerow #screwconveyor #raspberrypi #androidapp #automation #fishfeeder #homehacks
#homehacks #fishfeeder #automation #androidapp #raspberrypi #screwconveyor #raspberrypizerow
With the help of #RaspberryPiZeroW , #DHT22 sensors, #Prometheus and #Grafana I now have full monitoring for the humidity and temperature at home 😍
#grafana #prometheus #dht22 #raspberrypizerow
One year ago I assembled this #RaspBerryPiZeroW + Pimoroni #PirateAudio + USB dongle to listen SomaFM and audio files during DEFCON 28.
But it’s also a great little compagnon as Linux computer with USB gadget mode 😎 and easy to plug without cable to a USB PowerBank 🤩
#PirateAudio #raspberrypizerow