So I have a spare pi3 laying around and just discovered Node Red. Anyone here use #NodeRed? What do you have set up with it? #RasperryPi
A new version of mz #matrixclock with photovoltaics and weather info. #rasperrypi
Lese gerade in der #LinuxWelt von #android für #rasperrypi
Spannend nur fällt mir für mich jetzt keine Verwendung ein... und euch?
#rasperrypi #android #LinuxWelt
Kinder-Laptop mit :ubuntu: #Ubuntu Desktop 22.04.3 LTS auf :raspberry_pi: #RasperryPi 4b im Pi-Top Gehäuse 💻 bauen, ist leider auch nur theoretisch eine interessante Option.
Da bei mir ein RasperryPi 4b rumlag, hab ich heute Ubuntu installiert und getestet. Es funktioniert auf dem Rasperry Pi, aber wirklich gerne verwenden will man das nicht.
Im :firefox: Firefox surft es sich leider nur holprig durchs Internet. :youtube: YouTube Videos ruckeln auch immer etwas.
Sie sind zurück! #RasperryPi 4
Startet ihr jetzt mit neuen Bastelprojekten durch? 🪛
Nach fast zwei Jahren Warten ist der #RaspberryPi 4 endlich wieder in Deutschland in den ersten Varianten gut verfügbar! ✨
Der Raspi-Chef Eben Upton versprach schon im Juni, dass die Firma ab Juli mindestens eine Million Raspis produziert, solange die Nachfrage bestehen bleibt.
Last chance reminder: next Friday sees the end of support for our 32-bit arm (armhf) images. You can find out more, including some options if you're still running a 32-bit setup, here:
#docker #arm #rasperrypi
Aaaah ça c'est une bonne nouvelle... J'ai justement une grosse quantité de RPI4 à acheter...
Hm. Das ist ja spannend. #Nextcloud auf einem #RasperryPi
Raspberry Pi für Einsteiger - Schritt für Schritt Installation mit #DietPi - Headless Homeserver
#homeserver #rasperrypi #PeaceLoveMusic #dietpi
When you just wanted to listen to a bit of music but you're also you #moode #rasperrypi #OutOfContextLinux
#moode #rasperrypi #outofcontextlinux
Years ago someone gave me one of these Google DIY kits that I had zero use for at that point since I didn't have a spare #RasperryPi and having an Alexa-type device was never my cup of tea:
However, since I'm all #Esp32'ing now and looking for stuff to hook up to them, I took another look at the kit and got interested in the microphone hat. Looking around online I found someone had gotten the pinouts of the 5-wire cable, so it was just a matter of connecting it to the right parts one of my #S2 #mini boards.
The #Wemos #S2Mini has the whole I2S thing going on, so I just had to find some good code examples to see if this little board worked.
After some fiddling about, I got that little guy recording to a WAV file to its #SPIFFS file system and hosting a web server so I could download the audio.
The volume is a little low, but it's pretty cool.
However, my idea behind this isn't to record audio but to be a noise detection board that will activate at a specific threshold of sound and do something.
What it will do I have no idea. Maybe use it as an alternate method for detecting if the washing machine is still going.
I am addicted to these little boards. Help.
#rasperrypi #ESP32 #s2 #mini #wemos #s2mini #spiffs
Trying to get better with #Linux. Set up a #rasperrypi headless. Using SSH, terminal only. Trying to come up with some little challenges to improve my skills. If you have any suggestions let me know.
@Kebablog @Raspberry_Pi I’d read about some people using #rasperrypi to control their telescopes, Mount and camera captures.
I want a slice of pi 😅 🔭
This is literally the tenth or eleventh (and maybe final) use of my #rasperrypi that I got six (!) years ago. Next step is to use a mix of 3d printing and my shitty carpentry skills to make a frame and box, with a charging shelf / envelope holder on top.
Another bad discovery when using #LabVIEW on #rasperrypi: the webserver shipped with the image is not up-to-date(...), therefore you cannot use #SystemLink(Skyline) tags and messages.This is just not supported.
So we need to fallback to HTTP requests and websockets. Not that bad, but again not documented anywhere. So, you can program your stuff on rPI side without error with tags ; you can create your webpage with tags without problem ; but when you run the 2 together it never connects...
#LabVIEW #rasperrypi #systemlink
#KartoffelGratin im Ofen, dank dem frisch angeklemmten #RasperryPi und #RaSpotify läuft schicke Mucke (grade #AgentFresco), die letzten knapp 150 Seiten #WheelOfTime Band 4 aufm Schoß...
Hoch die Hände, Tagesende!
#kartoffelgratin #rasperrypi #Raspotify #agentfresco #wheeloftime
@foosel @dec_hl Great hardware! Have mine since a couple of weeks. Put 32GB RAM and two discs (NVMe + SSD) inside and installed #Proxmox.
BTW: #Octoprint is still running on a #RasperryPi 3 attached to my printer.
#rasperrypi #octoprint #proxmox
@mistersixt #DietPi benutze ich seit Jahren als Standard Distribution für Server auf dem #RasperryPi - absolut empfehlenswert, läuft stabil und ist extrem performant.