@pflegekraft @thomas richtige SD-Karte wählen! Z.B. die guten von SanDisk und dann noch die Schreibzugriffe fürs Logging reduzieren. Klappt mit meinem #pihiole auf #raspi3 schon seit Monaten ohne Probleme. Hatte vorher schon ein paar Karten zerschossen.
Oder SSD, hab ich am #raspi4 ohne jegliche Probleme noch länger laufen.
Koska #HomeAssistant on sen verran rajoittunut, olen tullut #Python hommissa siihen pisteeseen että alan miettimään joko #MariaDB tai #InfluxDB asennusta. 🤓
MariaDB olis siitä hyvä, et pääsis treenaa #SQL hommia.
Ennnen ku sohlaan nykyisen asennuksen (taas), pitänee laittaa virtuaalikone pystyyn tai ottaa #Raspi4 testialustaks.
Nää on näitä "jos vähän opettelis"-hommia. 😅
#raspi4 #sql #influxdb #mariadb #python #homeassistant
I currently have an external HDD connected to a #RasPi4 that I use as a #NAS
Back when I started doing this (on a RasPi 2?) there were lots of bottlenecks, like the USB2 ports and 100MBit Ethernet connection
TIL that today the biggest bottleneck is the file system on the HDD: I'm using NTFS (because back then the HDD with #NTFS was the only thing I had, and it didn't make a difference) with ~35MB/s write speeds
With #EXT4 I should get the full GBit the LAN connection can handle :blobcateyes:
At first sight #ubuntu core seemed like a nice containerOS for a #raspi4 because you don't want to care about the OS itself, but about #microk8s which is advertised by canonical to be running just fine on core. It does.
Theres more in the toolchain - for example #helm ! I spend quite a while trying to get it up and running and helm doesn't tell you either that it doesn't run on core. It says that the --classic switch is required. But this won't work because core snaps are always strict...
#ubuntu #raspi4 #microk8s #helm
E finalmente anche NextCloud è attivo! L'installazione con #YunoHost è semplicissima, ma io mi sono voluto creare un po' di difficoltà spostando le cartelle dei dati su un drive esterno. In ogni caso è bastato chiedere aiuto sui forum e il problema è stato identificato.
#yunohost #selfhostingchronicles #raspi4 #selfhost
Ok, ci riprovo. Spiano il mio #Raspi4, tolgo #Umbrel (che finora ha funzionato bene, ma che è poco configurabile, almeno per un cervello-a-patata come me) e reinstallo @yunohost , che mi pare più serio e più orientato alla creazione di un piccolo server casalingo.
Wish me luck e...qualsiasi suggerimento è bene accetto!
I'm a little proud to announce that quickquotes@nrw.social has been sending quotes from a Raspberry Pi for three days now. To be honest, I didn't suspect that a week ago.
#qoute #raspi4 #springboot #Java17 #bot
#Raspi4 Möchte Raspi4 an einem alten VGA mit HDMI Adapter betreiben. Mit Buster ging es ohne Probleme.
Mit Bullseye bekomme ich es nicht hin.
Hat jemand einen Tipp?
just ask around and check 🙃
I have one instance of #nextcloud on #raspi4 and it works flawlessly
even for personal use, I am able to share files, make calendar invitations to others and make video/audio/text chats, share screen and work on shared realtime documents *without leaving a bit out of my house to third parties*
Of course it has a cost: €600 for a full system of almost 1 Tera Byte of space.
Cool no?
" De nieuwe Mastodon v4 is uit!"
en probeer het eens exclusief op een #Raspi4
klein handig en niet te duur op een tv of monitor aan te sluiten toetsenbord en muis erbij
en veel plezier
@bakaniko @AugierLe42e
Z'êtes adorables avec vos (bonnes) idées de langages nouveaux pour moi. Mais l'idée de base est de me remettre en selle en relançant un projet perso (outil de récup de msg #navtex via un port série et d'affichage des dits messages dans une IHM pas trop pourrie).
Le tout devant tourner sur un #raspi4
@BollerwagenPicard @storchp Der ATLauncher kann angeblich schon den Microsoft Login. Ich schau mir den bei Gelegenheit mal an. Da es den auch als JAR gibt, läuft er vielleicht auch auf dem #raspi4
Good morning.
espressif closed my ticket requesting support for linux-arm64 in the esp-idf
but informed me that they plan on including arm64 support in their next release sometime during Q1.
Tracking issue here for other #arduino devs with #pinebookpro and #raspi4 and the like: https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/6432
#raspi4 #tips
any browser tips for raspi4?
its hilarious to me that the raspi4 can handle two 4k video outputs but stutters and cries whenever i open a browser.. i mean, am i just doing it wrong? i can always use a different window manager but i can't imagine the performance would improve that much more?
Aujourd'hui j'ai fait un peut de cablage .. l'occasion d'un peut de #cableporn
une raspi 4 et son joli ventilateur coloré arrive dans mon armoire.
Le but faire tourner diférent service qui sont pour le moment sur mes synology qui arrive en fin de support. Je pense basculer les synology en iscsi pour utiliser le stockage depuis la raspberry en mettant les service dans des containers lxc.
voila qui devrait utiliser la carte réseau et la ram de cette raspi
Vous avez des conseils ?
Hat jemand von euch eine simple und gute #Anleitung dafür, wie ich #WireGuard auf den #RasPi4 bekomme?
Habe jetzt schon einiges im #Netz gefunden, das mich aber soweit fast zur #Verzweiflung treibt!
Does somebody have a simple but effectiv installguide to install WireGuard on Raspberry Pi 4? What I found so far on the internet didn‘t really help.
#followerpower #pleaseboost #Raspberry #RaspberryPi4 #Raspbian
#verzweiflung #anleitung #wireguard #raspi4 #netz #followerpower #pleaseboost #raspberry #raspbian