Using the #Raspiblitz dev branch (can sync to it from menu - UPDATE - PATCH) the #lnproxy api and gui is available as a server.
Exposed via SSL and Tor.
Can also subscribe to a custom #IP2Tor to get a clearnet endpoint.
Testers are very welcome before the next major release.
RT @lnproxy
:( lnproxy is down while I figure one heck an issue with lnd on openbsd 7.2. Never seen anything like it.
Please reach out if you're running, or are …
Started to experiment with @lnproxy on the #Raspiblitz:
Using it already as a gateway node:
can hide the pubkey of any nodes behind one that is already known.
For a public service follow the privacy best practices:
Tor-only, channels from peers, coinjoin.
RT @openoms
There should be many more nodes running and apps have a selection of proxy nodes to receive th…
The #Raspiblitz project is fully compatible with amd64 computers and many people (including me) are using it on laptops, desktops and servers.
Read the current documentation and build or download ready-made images to be written on an SSD:
There will be more nodes to connect to over I2P.
The next v1.9.0 #RaspiBlitz release (and the dev branch now) features
RT @jonatack
If you run a bitcoin node over i2p, what is your configuration setting regarding listening?
Ich bin ja durchaus ein #FOS Beführworter aber die #umbrel Node macht mir aktuell gegenüber der #raspiblitz Variante etwas mehr freude. #Lighnting #bitcoin #fullnode #node #raspberryPi
#raspberrypi #node #fullnode #bitcoin #lighnting #raspiblitz #Umbrel #FOS
RT @vishalxl
#nostr console can now be run on #raspiblitz using @_PyBlock_ Bitcoin dashboard
RT @vishalxl
#nostr console can now be run on #raspiblitz using @_PyBlock_ Bitcoin dashboard
Planänderung zum vierten Versuch:
Es wird doch ein #jail in #truenas. Frisst weniger Speicher und CPU als eine VM mit eigenem Ubuntu und die Doku hier scheint auch aktuell zu sein.
Es muss ja auch nicht unbedingt ein #raspiblitz sein, den hat schließlich jede*r 😉
installiert gerade (als IT-Amateur) einen #raspiblitz Knoten für #bitcoin in einer #ubuntu VM ...
Dritter Versuch, aber zum Glück kann man virtuelle Maschinen einfach klonen und löschen, wenn etwas klemmt :-) #vm #linux #truenas #bhyve
#raspiblitz #bitcoin #ubuntu #vm #linux #truenas #bhyve
To update to CLN v22.11 aka Alameda Yield Generator
on a #Raspiblitz need to checkout the PR 3487 in the PATCH menu due to changes in the install script.
and before you ask the versioning 22.11 is based on the release date
RT @murchandamus
Something big is brewing at #Raspiblitz for your laptops, desktops and servers waiting to become feature rich #Bitcoin and #Lightning ⚡️ nodes
✅Automated builds locally
✅Automated builds in github actions
✅Nightly releases
✅#Bitcoin flavoured @debian
#lightning #bitcoin #raspiblitz
RT @openoms
The new LND v0.15.4-beta release is out on github.
Can update the #Raspiblitz-es from the menu.
The new LND v0.15.4-beta release is out on github.
Can update the #Raspiblitz-es from the menu.
This is beautiful, loving the look 🤖
How to start on an arm computer running 64bit Linux (aka #Raspiblitz/#Raspibolt):
If you are using a headless laptop/desktop/server just change the 'arm64' part in the filenames to amd64.
Run in tmux to keep it on.
RT @SparrowWallet
Sparrow Terminal is a stripped down version of Sparrow that can be run on systems without displays (like serv…
Be your own Hosted Channel provider with the Poncho plugin running on your @Core_LN Lightning node.
Working great together with @TunnelSats
to have a clearnet endpoint over VPN.
With a #RaspiBlitz you can do it all:
RT @andreneves
Hosted Channels TLDR
👇 👇 👇 👇
If you are running #joinmarket on a #raspiblitz go ahead and test this PR #3321:
It has:
- the latest versions on Jam, JoinMarket and Joininbox with a one click install
- stats on the LCD screen when you are running as a Maker
- signet compatibility
RT @jamapporg
RT @openoms
PSA: LND needs to be updated on all nodes including if you are running a #RaspiBlitz
- connect with ssh
- press CTRL+C
- type: menu
- select UPDATE - LND
- update to LND v0.15.2-beta
To verify the binaries with PGP can use this script:
PSA: LND needs to be updated on all nodes including if you are running a #RaspiBlitz
- connect with ssh
- press CTRL+C
- type: menu
- select UPDATE - LND
- update to LND v0.15.2-beta
To verify the binaries with PGP can use this script:
RT @cercatrova_21
For all the @RaspiBlitz users out there: if you see this screen on y…
API for your .bashrc:
function lnproxy() {
echo "Requesting a wrapped invoice from http://rdq6tvulanl7aqtupmoboyk2z3suzkdwurejwyjyjf4itr3zhxrm2lad.onion ..."
torify curl http://rdq6tvulanl7aqtupmoboyk2z3suzkdwurejwyjyjf4itr3zhxrm2lad.onion/api/${1}
and #raspiblitz:
Thinking of running the #Raspiblitz #Bitcoin and Lightning node package in a VM using Proxmox?
This guide got you covered:
RT @cercatrova_21
@BenGWeeks @openoms @RaspiBlitz There you go 🫡