Sooo... #RaspiOS mit #tvheadend läuft. Next Stop: Antennenverteiler im Keller aufbohren, damit da zwei Anschlüsse für den #RaspberryPi abfallen.
#wochenendprojekt #raspberrypi #tvheadend #raspios
So I finally fixed my earlier breakage of my #kodipi setup. Until the #raspios #bookworm release is complete I can just bundle everything into a container image:
@elb I’m quite happy with #RasPiOS (which used to be called Raspbian). In fact, I built a cool tool for customizing #RasPiOS so that when it boots it’s fully ready to go with literally EVERYTHING just the way I want it ( Their attention to stability and availability of both Desktop and Lite IMGs makes a perfect base for my use.
Using #RasPiOS on your #raspberrypi and building/rebuilding SSD/SD Cards more than once in your lifetime? MASSIVELY simplifies customizing your system so that your #pi boots fully ready to go. keyboard, locale, timezone, etc all set, packages you want/need all installed and configured.
Zero time in raspi-config & 'sudo apt install', more time for the stuff you want to use your #pi for.
And don't forget to check out apt-cacher-ng to effectly eliminate download time
@rwwmike I run #Debian Bullseye on my home x64 server. It's rock-solid! On the #raspberrypi run #RasPiOS, which is, for the most part, Debian. #Ubuntu is just Debian with a bunch of stuff to slow it down, and other Debian-based distros typically add eye candy but don't do anything to make "best" server.
#ubuntu #raspios #raspberrypi #debian
Tired of spending way too much "quality time" in raspi-config after a #RasPiOS first boot? Configure it, and pretty much everything else, quickly and easily with a single command before burning.
Tired of spending way too much "quality time" in raspi-config after a #RasPiOS first boot? Configure it, and pretty much everything else, quickly and easily with a single command before burning.
[HowTo] Instalación de 'i3wm' en 'RaspBian' o 'RaspBerry Pi OS' vía repositorio oficial #raspbian #raspberry_pi_os #raspios #debian #i3wm #i3status #i3lock #dmenu #window_manager #sistemas_operativos #gnu_linux #linux #escritorio #interfaz_grafico #desktop #gui
#raspbian #Raspberry_Pi_OS #raspios #debian #i3wm #i3status #i3lock #dmenu #window_manager #sistemas_operativos #gnu_linux #linux #escritorio #interfaz_grafico #desktop #gui
@cherusker @brayd Arch ist bei mir auf dem #pinephone, #manjaro auf dem #pinebookpro, #armbian auf dem Odroid-N2 und #raspios auf dem Raspi, auf allem anderen #Mint. Passt auf meinen Laptops sehr gut und kommt mit der meisten HW zurecht.
#mint #raspios #armbian #pinebookpro #manjaro #pinephone