For those of us, the normal ones, who have had to deal with Sovereign Citizens, Freemen on the Land, and their many and varied ilk, this is a fantastic resource from Canada; specifically, from Associate Chief Justice J.D. Rooke of the Court of Queen’s Bench of Alberta.

It outlines the stupidity, foolishness, imbecility, folly, madness, and in many cases illegality of the movement.

Gathered together under the term Organized Pseudolegal Commercial Argument [OPCA] Litigants, the reasoning takes the reader through definition, examples, and legal decisions regarding matters that have been before the courts.

Even though it is only legally relevant to Canada, we in Australia can garner some good information from it. The folk in the USA and UK could probably get a giggle, give a sigh, and learn some stuff as well.

After all, Sovereign Citizens and Freemen on the Land acknowledge no borders, right?

#SovereignCitizens #freemenontheland #nutjobs #wierdos #ratbags

Last updated 1 year ago

My 3 favourite ladies.

Jade (B&W)
Mischief (fluffy tabby)
Opal (tortie)

#cats #kitty #tabby #tortie #ratbags #BlackAndWhite

Last updated 2 years ago

Ted Jackson · @evcjackson
68 followers · 853 posts · Server

Taking the kids out for lunch. and anyone?

#ratbags #ramen #food #family #fun

Last updated 2 years ago