Blauschimmelkäsespätzle mit gerösteten Wallnüssen und Birnen.
Dazu: Spezi.
Bowl of Dahl, rice, eggplant pickle, garlic pickle, potatoe wedges and some air-fried chicken. First bit of rice all week. Everything homemade. Started to fast late today because I brought my daughter's out to a park. Planning an hour of cardio on the exercise bike tonight once the little ones are snoozing. #twins #diet #ratemymeal #intermittentfasting #fasting
#twins #diet #ratemymeal #intermittentfasting #fasting
Bowl of chicken and salad leafy greens for lunch. #ratemymeal #diet as much salad as I can stomach.
Also, erster Tag der gesunden Ernährung. Es gab bis jetzt Pizza, Eis und Flips. Aber ich habe ein Mineralwasser getrunken. Unmotivierte 2/10 #ratemymeal