erstwhile · @erstwhile
19 followers · 341 posts · Server

Given some have screamed "Science is right!" at me today, despite my not having said it's wrong, nor espoused such personally, (some here know me and know this)

Well I've some science they can adopt if they're keen, why doesn't Oz adopt a couple of very smaller and safe 4th generation nuclear power stations and sack the coal'n'gas.

Here's the science and financial for same.

Do note that 'Australia' is listed as one of the 'Advanced Economies' group referred to.. in the foot notes of this report.

A "once off" a pair of these stations for 'Base' load, could decom all the carbon based generation. period.

This would remove the heavy 'Carbon' cycle faster and give more time to develop capacity and truly do Wind Tidal and Solar solutions with excellence, to their required levels, then do away with the reactor pair in the long run, and build no more?

It's sound, if financially difficult path. File it under ?

#greens #rationale #scientifically #quityerbitchin

Last updated 1 year ago

this song feels like chocolate that melts on my tongue, has the same vibe as Primetime by Janelle Monae ft. Miguel

#rationale #music

Last updated 1 year ago

beSpacific · @bespacific
897 followers · 1481 posts · Server

@davidpmaurer Agreed but there is no or will to do so. Local, State, Federal Gov nor Courts. All this the . are not just for vile in and of itself as so few Americans sustain themselves by hunting to eat. This visceral hatred of animals has morphed & spread into a pandemic of hatred for humans, ceaselessly exercised on streets, in schools, houses of worship, workplaces, shopping malls Rules.

#appetite #enpower #addiction #rationale #bitterness #fear #hatred #guns #killinganimals #vigilanteculture

Last updated 2 years ago

GuruHiTech · @guruhitech
47 followers · 452 posts · Server
· @BBC2MusicBot
22 followers · 13210 posts · Server

And without receiving any reply they returned to their house with heavy hearts. Even though the man was the one who had slipped and fallen, and his falling the main reason why the tub had got away from them, his wife didn’t blame him for it, for she knew it could have been she who had slipped instead.

#auow #ireland #nowreading #childrensliterature #storytime #storytelling #receive #house #home #homestead #habitation #dwelling #Residence #abode #reason #acoire30 #rationale

Last updated 2 years ago

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Last updated 2 years ago

Gib uns dein Geld!

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#humanismus #spende #rationale #politik #selbstbestimmung #Kekse #Säkularisierung #klimaschutz #Sozialliberalismus #sozialeMarktwirtschaft #freiheit #inklusion #Menschenrechte

Last updated 2 years ago

Spaceflight 🚀 · @spaceflight
471 followers · 181 posts · Server

The depot idea have been much maligned by in the early days of the development because it the for the program in the first place. “It got really , We were basically told to sit down and up.” 🙊

#orbital #fuel #NASA #sls #undercut #rationale #political #shut

Last updated 2 years ago

@KonstantinNotz Also ich bin nicht dafür, dass den Jüngeren ein X vor dem U verkaufen kann. Wir sehen das heute schon. Egal, welcher Sie angehören! Es wird nur noch das Denken in den gestellt. Also oder weiß. Ich meine, wer ist, denn bitte schön für die EU-Präsidentin, die durch eine ganze Wahl , auf die Straße gegangen? Hier wurden 450 verarscht! Was soll also damit 16 Jahren besser werden? Trugschluss ist das!

#partei #rationale #Vordergrund #Schwaz #Hinterzimmerpolitik #kontakuriert #Millionen

Last updated 2 years ago

katzenberger · @katzenberger
146 followers · 702 posts · Server

TIME Interview with @Gargron:

"I think that is a very uniquely idea of creating this of ideas where you can say anything you want completely without limits. It is very foreign to the German mindset where we, in our , our number one priority is maintaining ."

Read it if you want to understand 's . And why isn't

#MandatoryListening #freespeech #rationale #design #mastodon #dignity #human #constitution #marketplace #american

Last updated 2 years ago

POUJOL-ROST Mathias ✅ · @poujolrost
273 followers · 10759 posts · Server

Moving from to

We recently migrated the we use from Google's reCAPTCHA to a service provided by the independent hCaptcha. Since this change potentially impacts all , we wanted to walk through the in more detail.

#recaptcha #hCaptcha #captcha #provider #cloudflare #customers #rationale

Last updated 5 years ago