Subjectively Wrong by Davidian #Ethics #EthicsandMorality #Moral#Philosophy #Ethicsand#Morality #Justification #Logic #Philosophy #Rationality #Truth #Value
#ethics #ethicsandmorality #moral #ethicsand #justification #logic #philosophy #rationality #truth #value
What Does it Mean to Be Logical? by Davidian #Philosophy #Rationality
Logic, Not Just Emulating Spock! by Answers In Reason #knowledge #belief #epistemologyshorts #shorts #answersinreason #AiR #philosophy #atheist #atheism #airtiktok #atheisttiktok #atheismtiktok #philosophytiktok #tiktok #epistemicjustification #logic #logical #epistemologytopic #epistemology #answer #answers #justification #rationality #art #science #theist #theism
#knowledge #belief #epistemologyshorts #shorts #answersinreason #air #philosophy #atheist #atheism #airtiktok #atheisttiktok #atheismtiktok #philosophytiktok #tiktok #epistemicjustification #logic #logical #epistemologytopic #epistemology #answer #answers #justification #rationality #art #Science #theist #theism
Evolution of Atheism by Davidian #Atheism #BadArguments #ConflatedandMisunderstoodTerms #Language #Philosophy #Rationality #Sceptic #Scepticism #Skeptic #Skepticism #Belief #Logic #Religion
#atheism #badarguments #conflatedandmisunderstoodterms #language #philosophy #rationality #sceptic #scepticism #skeptic #skepticism #belief #logic #religion
Beliefs and Rationality – CMT Vol: 10 by Davidian #ConflatedandMisunderstoodTerms #Justification #Rationality
#conflatedandmisunderstoodterms #justification #rationality
Belief and Action by Davidian #Justification #Philosophy #Atheist #Atheism #Rationality
#justification #philosophy #atheist #atheism #rationality
More on Beliefs and Justifications by Dave Rowlands #EpistemologyTopic #Epistemology #Knowledge #Logic #Philosophy #Sceptic #Scepticism #Skeptic #Skepticism #Atheist #Atheism #BurdenofProof #BoP #EpistemicJusticfication #Justificiation #Justification #Rationality
#epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #logic #philosophy #sceptic #scepticism #skeptic #skepticism #atheist #atheism #burdenofproof #bop #epistemicjusticfication #justificiation #justification #rationality
Issues With Agnostic Atheism by Davidian #Atheism #BadArguments #Belief #ConflatedandMisunderstoodTerms #Fallacies #Logic #EpistemologyTopic #Epistemology #Knowledge #Language #Philosophy #Rationality #Sceptic #Scepticism #Skeptic #Skepticism #Agnosticism #Agnostic
#atheism #badarguments #belief #conflatedandmisunderstoodterms #fallacies #logic #epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #language #philosophy #rationality #sceptic #scepticism #skeptic #skepticism #agnosticism #agnostic
Misunderstanding The Null Hypothesis and Knowledge. by Davidian #Agnostic #Atheist #Atheism #BadArguments #Bad#Atheist #ConflatedandMisunderstoodTerms #Fallacies #EpistemologyTopic #Epistemology #Knowledge #Belief #Philosophy #Sceptic #Scepticism #Skeptic #Skepticism #Science #Truth #Logic #Rationality
#agnostic #atheist #atheism #badarguments #bad #conflatedandmisunderstoodterms #fallacies #epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #belief #philosophy #sceptic #scepticism #skeptic #skepticism #Science #truth #logic #rationality
Fast then Slow: Choice Revisions Drive a Decline in the Attraction Effect #AsymmetricDominance, #AttractionEffect, #ChoiceProcess, #ContextEffect, #Heuristic, #InducedPreferences, #Rationality, #TimeConstraint
#asymmetricdominance #attractioneffect #choiceprocess #contexteffect #heuristic #inducedpreferences #rationality #timeconstraint
New blog post today: David Thorstad defends the role of bounded #rationality in #epistemology @philosophy
The Faith of Science by Dave Rowlands #EpistemologyTopic #Epistemology #Knowledge #Belief #Logic #Philosophy #Rationality #Sceptic #Scepticism #Skeptic #Skepticism #Science
#epistemologytopic #epistemology #knowledge #belief #logic #philosophy #rationality #sceptic #scepticism #skeptic #skepticism #Science
What’s in the Box?: A Three-Pound Rabbit by Dave Rowlands #Justification #Logic #Philosophy #Rationality #Sceptic #Scepticism #Skeptic #Skepticism
#justification #logic #philosophy #rationality #sceptic #scepticism #skeptic #skepticism
The Problem With ‘Atheism is the Default Position’ Arguments by Davidian #Justification #Logic #Philosophy #Rationality #Atheist #Atheism
#justification #logic #philosophy #rationality #atheist #atheism
Epistemic Humility (Better Scepticism 1) by Dave Rowlands
Introduction They say you should write about what you know. Seeing as I know nothing though, I thought a good place to start would be a guide to better scepticism. By scepticism here I mean scepticism in the sense that most in the sceptic community use the term. Rather than in the sense of Radical...
#Sceptic #Scepticism #Skeptic #Skepticism #Atheist #Atheism #Philosophy #Rationality
#sceptic #scepticism #skeptic #skepticism #atheist #atheism #philosophy #rationality
So what is this ‘Normative’ thing all about anyway? by Davidian #Agnostic #Atheist #Atheism #Belief #Logic #Language #MiscReligious #Philosophy #Rationality #Terminology
#agnostic #atheist #atheism #belief #logic #language #miscreligious #philosophy #rationality #terminology
We have 66 blog posts on #rationality! Check them out. Maybe start from this one on framing effects by María Caamaño-Alegre @philosophy @psychology
Are YOU Justified? by Davidian #BoP #EpistemicJusticfication #Justificiation #Justification #Philosophy #Rationality
#bop #epistemicjusticfication #justificiation #justification #philosophy #rationality
The Gumball Analogy by Dave Rowlands
Introduction You are presented with a jar full of gumballs. There are no broken gumballs inside the jar, they are all whole gumballs. Most sceptics and atheists will have heard the Gumball Analogy already. It’s a pretty common analogy used by sceptics and atheists who have discussions on places like Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube. Fans...
#Atheist #Atheism #BadArguments #Philosophy #Belief #Logic #Rationality
#atheist #atheism #badarguments #philosophy #belief #logic #rationality
The Covid pandemic highlighted a bunch of cognitive/conceptual limitations among Americans that ended up influencing public debate and response to the pandemic. Here's what I've noticed:
1. Not appreciating exponential growth (cartoon below from Jens von Bergmann).
2. Not distinguishing between individual and group-level risk assessment. (i.e. that behaviors with low individual risk can contribute to high risk for the community...for instance due to exponential growth.)
3. All or nothing thinking (that interventions only "work" if they eliminate all risk).
4. Not distinguishing between facts about the world and our response to those facts (also seen in climate change debates).
I'm sure there are more...
#covid #thinking #politics #usa #rationality