Cuber · @cuberrocks
1 followers · 9 posts · Server

12 stepping isn't the only way 2 recover.
1st, all 12 step recovery programs mandate belief in at least one god. AA was created & founded under Catholicism with the basic presumption that you must be deist.

Plus, LEO & courts dump their dregs at 12 step doorsteps forcing folks who are serious to babysit folks who aren't interested in recovering, devaluing group activities. They then ask meeting organizers to break anonymity and sign the teachers note!

#addiction #recovery #rationalrecovery

Last updated 1 year ago

Some extra $$ tumbled into my pocket. Not a lot - less than $50.

Me: Sweet, surprise pizza night w the kids!

My alcoholic self: This is 3 bottles of cheap wine!! Go go go!

When does this nasty little whisper go *away*??? Like for good I mean.


#rationalrecovery #avrt #ODAAT #alcoholic #recoveryposse

Last updated 2 years ago

Steugglebus · @struggle_bus
10 followers · 25 posts · Server