This One Company Controls America’s Entire Health Care System
Why are so many doctors being forced to take out payday loans to make ends meet? Trying to answer this question led us to a giant monopoly that's been slowly plundering every part of our health care system.
#marketdecides #capitalism #medicalpaywall #wagetheft #captiveconsumers #HMOact #corporatewelfare #profitganda #unionize #richardburke #interstudy #fraud #fleece #medicalaccess #death #rationing #50milliondenials #annually
#marketdecides #capitalism #medicalpaywall #wagetheft #captiveconsumers #hmoact #corporatewelfare #profitganda #unionize #richardburke #interstudy #fraud #fleece #medicalaccess #death #rationing #50milliondenials #annually
One of the weirdest features was the extraordinary shift in #British occupation policy so that within just a couple of years #rationing of #bread was introduced in the #uk - which had not happened during WWII - to enable #germans in the #british zone to be fed more or less adequately. A truly remarkable but little known episode.
#British #rationing #bread #uk #germans
Drug Shortages Near an All-Time High, Leading to Rationing - The New York Times #medicine #shortage #supplychain #rationing
#rationing #supplychain #shortage #medicine
"The focus of much of the world over the past year has been on energy: sources, availability, and #rationing. But when humankind is #energy-poor, we lose out in other ways too."
"Germany’s biggest mistake was not necessarily its knee-jerk reaction to the Fukushima Daiichi meltdown. ... Germany’s biggest mistake was ignoring the data along the way because its leaders had wedded themselves to wishful thinking and ideology, which made them blind to negative results."
@securescientist Transport Minister #Wissing had announced there'll be major repair and apparently also expansion projects to the railway system throughout the country from 2024 onwards.
Major delays are to be expected. Sueddeutsche Zeitung had a short-ish article about it a few months back.
What's necessary until CO2zero: fix mobility rations. Not rationing per price as it is now in the utterly misguided and inadequate socioeconomic system – but per capita.
Without exceptions.
People need to learn what it means to live on a finite planet with finite resources – and people in Global North had all the fun up to now, splurging currently on more than 4 times too much resource use.
You can read here which rations – mobility rations as well – fit into planetary boundaries in Global North and Global South, in rural and urban areas, land and air transport:
It used to be a model scenario for near 1.5°C but isn't anymore. The Carbon Clock is ticking. ..So while reading this highly recommended paper, adjust their figures for kilometres, heated living space etc. downward in your mind.
The neoliberal #Bertelsmannstiftung has a brand new paper out this month in which they suggest a climate credit card that also covers kilometre rations. IIRC their figure is 5000km/per capita/year. Which is roughly what the paper by #Boellstiftung suggests for rural population.
But being of the neoliberal church, Bertelsmannstiftung disregards planetary boundaries and a fix CO2 budget, and they say that more kilometres can "of course" be purchased but at a higher price...🤦♀️ When will they ever learn...
Blind ignorants – or deliberate disregard due to sociopathy? I'm always unsure with neoliberals.
#Degrowth #rationing #ration #Neoliberal
#wissing #bertelsmannstiftung #boellstiftung #degrowth #rationing #ration #neoliberal
I'm sucked into the usual kind of exchange about housing with Ant Breach and co in the other place. Do come and join in if you have time and patience.
#planning #rationing #housing
You cite a new #Bertelsmannstiftung paper which proposes rationing by making use of a climate credit card. Thoughts on that:
The authors propose #rationing in the form of a personal #climatecreditcard that would manage the following products and quotas to "ensure the supply of basic goods in a resilient and climate-neutral way" as supposedly envisioned:
Household electricity from renewables: 1000kWh
Mobility only public transport: 5000km
Food only regional fruits and vegetables: 220kg
water: 20000l
Heating: 4000kWh
Living: 30sqm
Internet: 60GB
So far, so good!
But for this, Bertelsmann would ...merely cap the prices. Because they don't want to categorically rule out additional consumption... which of course exposes their ignorance of what a CO2 budget actually is:
"If the quota is used up, the usual market price for the goods must be paid" contradicts in its outcome the (alleged) desire "to ensure the supply of basic goods in a resilient and climate-neutral way".
Once Bertelsmannstiftung, too, knows what CO2 budget and the planetary boundaries for ecocide are, and understands that additional consumption can NOT be allowed, and even less so via rationing by market prices (How their particular ideology hinders them to grasp the concept of a finite budget is SO apparent in their paper...)
so when that time comes,
"then, Sir King, a second of eternity has passed"...
and today's high-tech civilization is irreparably kaput.
#Degrowth #Rationing #ClimateChange #SozialeMarktwirtschaft #Ideology
#bertelsmannstiftung #rationing #climatecreditcard #degrowth #climatechange #sozialemarktwirtschaft #ideology
Oh. Die #Bertelsmannstiftung , geistige Stütze "sozial-markwirtschaftlicher" Teufeleien, hat im März mal wieder was zum Öko- und Klima-Clusterfuck publiziert. Leider nur🇩🇪
Erwähne es, weil sie #Rationing in Form einer persönliche #Klimakreditkarte vorschlagen, die folgende Produkte und Kontingente verwalten würde, um wie angeblich angestrebt, "die Versorgung mit Grundgütern resilient und klimaneutral sicherzustellen":
Haushaltsstrom aus Erneuerbaren: 1000kWh
Mobilität nur ÖPNV: 5000km
Ernährung nur regionales Obst und Gemüse: 220kg
Wasser: 20000l
Heizen: 4000kWh
Wohnen: 30qm
Internet: 60GB
Dafür würde Bertelsmann ...die Preise fest deckeln. Denn Mehrverbrauch wollen sie nicht kategorisch ausschließen... was natürlich ihre Unkenntnis entlarvt, was ein CO2-Budget eigentlich ist....
"Ist das Kontingent aufgebraucht, muss der übliche Marktpreis für die Güter bezahlt werden" widerspricht in seinem Resultat dem (angeblichen) Wunsch "die Versorgung mit Grundgütern resilient und klimaneutral sicherzustellen".
Sobald auch Bertelsmannstiftung weiß, was ein CO2-Budget und die planetaren Grenzen von Ökozid sind, und dass Mehrverbrauch eben NICHT erlaubt werden kann, und erst recht nicht via Rationierung durch marktübliche Preise ...
wenn das also soweit ist,
"dann, Herr König, ist eine Sekunde der Ewigkeit vorbei"
und die heutige High-Tech-Zivilisation irreparabel kaputt. 😁
#bertelsmannstiftung #rationing #klimakreditkarte
No-one's gonna tell me different. 🇪🇺 ✊
#Brexshit #FuckTheTories #EUForever #UKPolitics #Turnips #MedievalBritain #Rationing
#rationing #medievalbritain #turnips #ukpolitics #euforever #FuckTheTories #brexshit
UK food shortages feature in today's headline story in the Sunday edition of Spain's El País which is comparing food price rises in Europe. The only photo of empty shelves comes from London.
QUESTION: If there were shortages in EU - as claimed by Tory government ministers in UK - why on earth would a Spanish newspaper bother to show photos of a London supermarket? 🙄
#brexit #brexitshambles #rationing #CostOfLiving #shortages
Come on, eat all your vegetables, there are vegetable starved people in England. #brexit #rationing
And in the UK too ...
England one dry spell away from return to severe drought, say experts
Warning comes as supermarkets ration sales of produce owing to dry conditions elsewhere in Europe
#climate #climatecrisis #drought #Europe #food #water #rationing
#climate #climatecrisis #drought #europe #food #water #rationing
#TheRoomNextDoor - #WinstonChurchill
#Politics #Churchill #Wartime #WW2 #WWII #PrimeMinister #Rationing #Rations #1940s #MichaelSpicer
#MichaelSpicer #1940s #rations #rationing #primeminister #wwii #ww2 #Wartime #churchill #politics #winstonchurchill #TheRoomNextDoor
@Gerz But now, according to the Bunter fan club, Sue Gray is a massive "red under the bed" trot who might as well have been a Jeremy Corbyn mole, planted to undermine the Glorious Leader and his flawless diplomacy in Northern Ireland, which has led us to the fabled Sunlit Uplands of post-Brexit Britain. 🙄
#Partygate #Turdmatoes #UKPolitics #Rationing #BrexitBrokeBritain #FuckTheTories #CostOfLivingCrisis #Covid #Turnips #Foodbanks #EnoughIsEnough #JohnsonTheLiar #MadNads
#madnads #JohnsonTheLiar #enoughisenough #foodbanks #turnips #COVID #Costoflivingcrisis #FuckTheTories #BrexitBrokeBritain #rationing #ukpolitics #turdmatoes #PartyGate
More from Johnson's "speech":
"[Johnson] says people do not feel economic change from Brexit."
#CostOfVotingToryCrisis #Foodbanks #Warmbanks #Turdmatoes #Turnips #Rationing #FuckTheTories #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #FuckTheTories #rationing #turnips #turdmatoes #warmbanks #foodbanks #costofvotingtorycrisis
#Food #rationing #UK #Turnips
I am ordering some 40 day Turnips ,just about the only thing I can thank the Tories for is tempting me into trying them .But if you want greens and cant get salad veg,you can sprout your veg waste ,I currently have a lettuce stump sprouting ,some celery and spring oinions , I always keep the ends of carrots,cabbages ,swedes etc to grow on for flowers ,but the leaves of all of those are edible and some lettuce seed I sowed last week is already sprouting
I propose we make 23rd June National Turnip Appreciation Day.
#Turnips #Rationing #MedievalBritain #Peasants #UKPolitics #FuckTheTories #EnoughIsEnough #BrexitBrokeBritain #Turdmatoes #EatTheRich
#eattherich #turdmatoes #BrexitBrokeBritain #enoughisenough #FuckTheTories #ukpolitics #peasants #medievalbritain #rationing #turnips
Oh good god. This is a *real* article. I repeat, this is a *real* article.
#Turnips #Tomatoes #MedievalBritain #UKPolitics #FuckTheTories #Rationing I'd also like to apologise to the @histodons who are actually interested in Medieval Britain for any damage done to their timelines.
#rationing #FuckTheTories #ukpolitics #medievalbritain #tomatoes #turnips
Thought you'd enjoy this
Thanks to @FloydyStu #Turnips #Tomatoes #UKPolitics #Brexit #Cofeve #MedievalBritain #Rationing #DontMentionTheWar
#dontmentionthewar #rationing #medievalbritain #cofeve #brexit #ukpolitics #tomatoes #turnips