Bob Naumann, a full timer at #ARRL, is unaware of what QSO Today is, has no idea who @kb6nu is, and thinks #RATPAC *stole #ARRL IP*.
He describes ARRL members that speak up as piranhas.
This is the dude ARRL hired to be in charge of field operations at #arrl.
Can ARRL not find anyone at all in CT that can show any love at all towards amateur radio?
Here's a thought. ARRL staff should stop harassing hams that do stuff and are looking for support and help with publicity.
There's something that's happened recently over at the #arrl, which is the national #hamradio organization for the USA.
ARRL identified, by name, clubs and organizations that produce educational videos as "being in competition with" the ARRL "Learning Center".
ARRL then retaliated against these clubs and organizations, calling them up and stating that these organizations *would be excluded from ARRL publications and partnerships*
Firsthand, #qsotoday and #ratpac are affected.
This is bad.
#ratpac #QSOToday #hamradio #arrl
New Federal Antenna Legislation & Zoning Update - 08/23/2023
"Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee #RATPAC comprises Amateur Radio Operators of a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences. Together, we host nationwide Amateur Radio Zoom presentations twice a week, Wednesdays on general radio topics and Thursdays on amateur radio emergency communications."
#ratpac #HamRadio #AmateurRadio #fcc
@NO5IG one of the first things he did when he started the job was to send an unsolicited and unfriendly email to Dan Marler of #RATPAC. The gist of the letter was that somehow Dan was stealing #ARRL IP.
Later, David told a number of people Dan should be shut down, or at least shut out.
To this day, no one knows exactly what David was talking about, or why his very first communication with a successful section manager and community leader was so aggressively negative.
Through #RATPAC I learned about the Long Island CW Club.
Find out more about that here:
Similar vibe, similar way of doing things.
There are clubs, organizations, and foundations out there that *are not* a bedsore on the people #hamradio claims it wants to attract.
The people doing the work do it better when you know about it and get in touch.
Support what you want to see more of, when people step up and deliver. It makes a big difference.
There's been so many good #AmatuerRadio #hamradio experiences away from the legacy club scene, over the past year or so.
One of those experiences is serving #RATPAC, or the Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee.
Find out more at
Formed as a response to #covid, it has grown and developed into a vibrant center of activity.
There's reasons for this.
There's repercussions for bad behavior. It's diverse. Members listen to and respect each other.
#covid #ratpac #hamradio #amatuerRadio
Greetings all!
#RATPAC is putting together an #amateur #radio #satellite series of presentations.
We're looking for any and all content for this exciting aspect of #hamradio.
Please get in touch to be part of it. Early Autumn 2023 is the penciled-in plan, with at least four weekly sessions.
#hamradio #satellite #radio #amateur #ratpac
@amcasari I'm putting together a talk about the effect of climate change on disaster communications for #RATPAC.
Would it be possible to get an introduction to the geologist?
Or, just a pointer to anything published (from ieee to researchgate, doesn't matter, I'll read it) would be immensely helpful.
Thank you very much to #RATPAC for the opportunity for #ARRL Technical Coordinators and volunteers to meet and greet and speak about the breadth and depth of their work.
This was a great meetup with concrete results. We especially thank George Spatta W1GKS, the ARRL Lab Manager, for his keynote welcome address and active participation. I will organize another ARRL technical volunteer meetup for next quarter.
Video recording of the zoom meetup will be posted in the next few days.
You are invited to an #ARRL #Technical #Volunteers Celebration on 24 May at 1800 US Pacific time (0100 UTC). This is a virtual event for amateur radio operators to recognize, thank, meet, and greet ARRL Technical Volunteers.
George Spatta W1GKS, the Laboratory Manager at ARRL, will open the meeting with a keynote welcome.
RATPAC has generously offered the use of their Zoom platform for the meetup. Find out more about #RATPAC and how to get a meeting invite at
#hamradio #ratpac #volunteers #technical #arrl
#ARRL Technical Appointees meet-and-greet Proposed
I'm a member of the planning committee of #RATPAC
Site is here:
Last night at the weekly planning meeting, we talked quite a bit about how to bring all the technical appointees (TA, TS, TC) together in an online meet-and-greet. RATPAC offered their platform.
Thursday, January 26 #RATPAC
Zoom Presentation
10:00 PM AT / 9:00 PM ET / 8:00 PM CT / 7:00 PM MT / 6:00 PM PT / 5:00 PM AKT / 4:00 PM HT / 02:00 AM GMT Friday
TOPIC: "Which Switch is Which"
Facilitator: Marty Woll, N6VI
Meeting link at
Curious about #RATPAC ?
Short video introducing the resources can be found here:
Thank you to #RATPAC for the opportunity to talk about #linux in #hamradio last night. This was a brand new presentation with a goal of featuring the impact of embedded Linux in amateur radio experimental open source work.
The Q&A was great as always, and gave me a lot of ideas for revising and refining the talk. There’s a very large gap between basic “hello world” and “getting started” and advanced work. Given the number of distributions and variety of hardware, it can be a bit overwhelming.
Question from #RATPAC
"Are #arduino still relevant for #hamradio work?"
Answer is complicated and depends on the documentation and support.
Raspberry Pi was brought up immediately, but one can actually buy Arduinos, and Pis are very hard for many to get.
Pis preferred by many, but not available, and arduinos are available, but those assembled for the discussion considered them harder to use.
Here's an #AmateurRadio #activity #challenge for you, courtesy of #RATPAC.
Transcription will follow as a reply.
#ratpac #challenge #activity #amateurradio
Big #radio week! More lab work today for @OpenResearchIns and then a pile of documentation.
Last weekly #report for the year - plenty in there about #fpga work on #Haifuraiya (#microwave #transponder for #amateur HEO/GEO #satellite), advances on #Ribbit, some good #regulatory work on getting an EAR99 codebase released as #OpenSource, planning for #HamExpo, new talk in the works for #RATPAC, and more.
Looking forward to 2023.
#ratpac #hamexpo #opensource #regulatory #ribbit #satellite #amateur #transponder #microwave #Haifuraiya #fpga #report #radio