Petrichor · @sinabhfuil
945 followers · 3615 posts · Server

Residents say Richmond Road rat run is dangerous for children as cars drive on footpaths. They ask for a one-way for traffic calming. Council says "Richmond Road does not form part of the core Dublin City Active Travel Network that has been prioritised for delivery over the next eight years". Time to get out and block the street, lads, like a local area here where bollards were installed after a series of weekly protests

#richmondroad #ratrun #councilmeh

Last updated 1 year ago

Crunchysteve · @crunchysteve
83 followers · 1250 posts · Server

@ric_man As a lifetime vehicular cyclist, I still find the copenhagen lanes an arse pain when it comes to pedestrians thinking they're in a conversation pit 🙄 TBF, that's happening less now that they're doing them with full door width kurbing on the parking side.

I as much as I can. There's no loss of amenity to residents when cyclists shortcut through residential streets and I shaved 3km off a 26km ride from mine to a friend's, simply by replacing the motoring routes with a barely legal (for motorists, anyway) backstreets route. Best urban riding ever, and saving 3km is like having an eBike for 5km 😂


Last updated 1 year ago

😀🚲 · @enobacon
498 followers · 3701 posts · Server

This is a in 's , serving as a at school pickup time for no good reason whatsoever except maybe for making parents stay afraid of getting out of their cars. (Driver continued, at 30 in a 20, out the other side of the neighborhood because our can't figure out how this works.)

#saferoutestoschool #tedwheeler #portland #ratrun #induceddemand #trafficengineers

Last updated 1 year ago

Don Marti · @dmarti
737 followers · 676 posts · Server

it's on. Transportation Commission vs

"Google Maps and nav apps often direct northbound drivers to take Pearl instead of Broadway…Pearl isn't configured for thru traffic, so drivers have to stop at multiple stop signs and have to cross a few arterials without the benefit of cross traffic stopping — from what I see, the drivers cutting north on Pearl disregard those limitations and just roll through stop signs and cross aggressively against oncoming traffic…."


Last updated 2 years ago

Corsair · @Corsair_of_time
136 followers · 209 posts · Server

A street will tag as having a dedicated bike lane definately doesnt mean its safe to ride on.

The road pictured has painted sections that Im guessing are for no parking, they certainly arent wide enough to be considered a bike lane.

This weeks on the was an SUV doing a through the back of Cannington .

#googlemaps #closepass #bikecommute #ratrun #perth #cycling

Last updated 2 years ago