Hopefully Barry Gibb enjoyed his birthday on Friday, how did you get on with the #threeForFriday #music #quiz ? Did you know the Bee Gees originally hailed from the Isle of Man?
Let us know how you got on and more questions to come on Friday.
@officialbarrygibb #musicquiz #trivia #musictrivia #questions #musicquestions #popmaster #musicfans #musicgame #musicchallenge #quiztime #instaquiz #beegees #guilty #1980 #isleofman #barbarastreisand @barbarastreisand #therattlesnakes #rattlesnake
#rattlesnake #therattlesnakes #Barbarastreisand #IsleofMan #guilty #beegees #instaquiz #QuizTime #musicchallenge #musicgame #musicfans #popmaster #musicquestions #questions #MusicTrivia #trivia #musicquiz #quiz #music #threeforfriday
Photo Challenge 245/365
#rattlesnake #zoo #2023photochallenge
#rattlesnake #zoo #2023photochallenge
Found wolf spider inside garage by door as I was going out with dogs this morning. I put a lid on it. Texted for help, no hurry. Hubs arrives, scoops spider with shovel, opens the door to put spider outside.
At which time a rattlesnake hissed, rattled, and struck at the door as he was closing it. Comes inside tells me he's going to get the snake-grabber-thingy and to avoid the back door. Fucking yikes! Probably walked right by it too freaked about spider to notice.
#Rattlesnake #Spider #Wyoming
Buzz worm! #NopeRope #DangerNoodle #rattlesnake
#noperope #dangernoodle #rattlesnake
For #WorldSnakeDay:
1. #Rattlesnake
#Aztec, 1200-1520 CE
Rhyolite porphyry
2. #Snake Head
Aztec, 1200-1520 CE
Serpentine (very fitting!)
both on display at Dumbarton Oaks Museum
#IndigenousArt #MesoamericanArt
#worldsnakeday #rattlesnake #aztec #snake #indigenousart #mesoamericanart
For #WorldSnakeDay:
#Rattlesnake Gorget, 16th c.
Mississippian artist, Tennessee
Carved shell
Brooklyn Museum display
#IndigenousArt #NativeAmericanArt
#worldsnakeday #rattlesnake #indigenousart #nativeamericanart
One of my favorite encounters so far: A massasauga rattlesnake my brother and I found while camping in Georgian Bay Islands National Park in 2021. It was remarkably calm, and simply watched us take photos. It didn't even rattle once, a testament to how peaceful these feared creatures actually are.
#snakes #snake #rattlesnake #nationalparks #wildlifephotography #photography
#snakes #snake #rattlesnake #nationalparks #wildlifephotography #photography
art by keihound on furaffinity.
#scalie #nsfw #crossdressing #bikini #snake #male #fangs #rattlesnake #furry
#scalie #nsfw #crossdressing #bikini #snake #male #fangs #rattlesnake #furry
today's high was 110F/43C, and it was still really warm when we took our evening walk. Still, we saw two #coyotes playing in the schoolyard and a guy carrying a #rattlesnake out of his yard on a shovel and placing it gently down the street away from people and dogs
Guy was clearly the uncle in a family gathering where granny wanted him to kill the snake, but Auntie and kiddos would not comply.
#snake kiddos, dogs, granny, auntie, uncle all A-OK. It was a good walk.
#coyotes #rattlesnake #snake #goodnightfriends
today's high was 110F/43C, and it was still really warm when we took our evening walk. Still, we saw two #coyotes playing in the schoolyard and a guy carrying a #rattlesnake out of his yard on a shovel and placing it gently down the street away from people and dogs
Guy was clearly the uncle in a family gathering where granny wanted him to kill the snake, but Auntie and kiddos would not comply.
#snake kiddos, dogs, granny, auntie, uncle all A-OK. It was a good walk.
#coyotes #rattlesnake #snake #goodnightfriends
A lesser-known aspect of the Quabbin, which, with its 56,000 acres of protected surrounding land, is a leading conservation area in Massachusetts: in 2017, the endangered & misunderstood #rattlesnake was reintroduced to an island in the Quabbin.
It was not uncontroversial, as Mount Holyoke colleague Christopher Benfey explains:
Fear of Rattlesnake Island | The New York Review of Books
No one in #MA has died of rattlesnake bite since 1791
@trmarchand You don’t see much of it, but there’s a path to the right. Here’s my whole #rattlesnake video.
Global News BC: Kelowna vet office issues warning about early rattlesnake activity https://globalnews.ca/news/9735874/kelowna-vet-warning-rattlesnakes/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #OkanaganMountainPark #KalamalkaLakePark #WildhorseCanyon #OkanaganFalls #Environment #Rattlesnake #Fairfield #Vernon
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #okanaganmountainpark #kalamalkalakepark #wildhorsecanyon #OkanaganFalls #environment #rattlesnake #fairfield #Vernon
#Rattlesnake on my lawnmower. Relocated to the American river. #wildlife #sacramento
#rattlesnake #wildlife #sacramento
That is a HUGE rattlesnack. Where abouts (town/park/trail) did you sight it?
I saw a baby rattler along the ridge in Black Diamond Mine park once.
I don't know if it's a myth or not but the bite of baby rattlers can be worse than that of an adult. I kept my distance.
Poll in next post: Rattlesnake, yes or no?
Moments after the first photo was taken, it struck at me. (I was well out of range; it's a digitally zoomed phone pic.)
#snake #rattlesnake #herpetology #herping
Global News BC: Ferrari-riding rattlesnake ‘Enzo’ doing well in Osoyoos, B.C. https://globalnews.ca/news/9666180/ferrari-riding-rattlesnake-enzo-doing-well-osoyoos/ #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Nk'MipDesertCulturalCentre #Nk'MipSnakeResearchProject #Enzotherattlesnake #Environment #Rattlesnake #Vancouver #Okanagan #Ferrari #osoyoos #Area27 #Snakes #Enzo
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #nk #enzotherattlesnake #environment #rattlesnake #Vancouver #okanagan #Ferrari #osoyoos #area27 #snakes #enzo
Working through my photos from the recent Sonora biodiversity expedition, I thought this blacktail rattlesnake's scale and coil detail was so pretty.
It was tightly coiled on a rock at a spot where the slot canyon widened. It was in the shade and I think too cold to want to move much, though it was gone when I came back through.
Second shot is the original photo in Lightroom showing the cropped area. I massively digitally zoomed in and then digitally sharpened the image significantly, then down-res'd it for the web.
#rattlesnake #snake #snek #herps #sonora #desert
"If it was a snake, it woulda bit ya."
Rattlesnakes get a bad rap. They are mostly quite chill. You really have to fuck with them, in most cases, to get bitten. They would rather just warn you away.
The rattle is in a class of evolutionary adaptations called aposematic defenses. These involve very obvious warnings that "I am not food. Don't even try it, punk." The unmistakable markings on black widow spiders and skunks are other familiar examples.
If rattlesnakes were mean and aggressive, they would lie in wait and strike opportunistically instead of giving you plenty of "would you please go away now" warning.
It was a snake, but it didn't bite me. In fact, it didn't even warn much until I had walked past it and the others saw it. I was, embarrassingly enough, dictating notes for a story into my phone and my leg passed within a foot of it.
This is a digitally zoomed phone video. I kept my distance. This little feller was probably 2 feet long stretched out.
#snake #rattlesnake #NoStepOnSnek
#snake #rattlesnake #nosteponsnek