@makesubarugayagain everyone’s complaining about BMW, but having seen both multiple times now, these are the ugliest grilles on any vehicle out there, including the #Tundra the #RAV4 and almost every other #Toyota.
These stand out in a bad way, but for me personally, the #BMWiX and #BMWi4 actually stand out in a good way. They differentiate themselves without being offensive, but it’s JMO.
Saw my first #BMWXM too, and didn’t dislike that either. 🤷♂️
#bmwxm #BMWi4 #BMWiX #toyota #rav4 #tundra
@r @toms Varat mani palabot, bet #Xtrail / #RAV4 / #Tiguan jau tādi “pusdžipi” vai kā saka “parketnieki” 😊 Ja vajag ko nopietnāku laukiem, Toyotai jāskatās #Landcruiser, VW #Touareg. Bet nu mums pavasaros ir tāds “ceļš”, ka tikai traktors tiek 😅
#touareg #LandCruiser #Tiguan #rav4 #xtrail
Another one for #WeirdCarMastodon a first gen Toyota RAV4 "3 door convertible" these things are rare as hens' teeth here in the states.
#WeirdCarMastodon #rav4 #Toyota
I mean, if you need a Toyota that bad...
There’s a new form of keyless car theft that works in under 2 minutes https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2023/04/crooks-are-stealing-cars-using-previously-unknown-keyless-can-injection-attacks/
#car #theft #ecu #toyota #rav4 #infosec #technews
伝説のレースクイーン「藤木由貴」のおもしろ&可愛い登場シーンまとめ!その2【車選びドットコム 切り抜き/藤木由貴】 https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1690168/gravure-idols/
##トヨタ #Is #Rav4 #かわいい #グランエース #くるまえらび #ディフェンダー #ドリキン #ランドローバー #レクサス #レビュー #五冠 #切り抜き #切り抜き動画 #土屋圭市 #女王 #藤木由貴 #車選び #車選び.com #車選びドットコム
#トヨタ #is #rav4 #かわいい #グランエース #くるまえらび #ディフェンダー #ドリキン #ランドローバー #レクサス #レビュー #五冠 #切り抜き #切り抜き動画 #土屋圭市 #女王 #藤木由貴 #車選び #車選びドットコム
Hold on, a #Suzuki #Across costs €60K in Finland (basically it's a #Toyota #RAV4). Who in their right mind pays that for an ugly 70km hybrid? It's more expensive than a 4WD Long Range #Tesla #ModelY, which is a real battery #EV.
#suzuki #across #toyota #rav4 #tesla #modely #ev #japanese #car
@TheUSASingers My #Rav4 now is 18!! What a great, no trouble, fantastic car it's been. I hope it lives forever. But.... whatever. I have to figure out upcoming options, but elon junk is nowhere in the picture. Bursting into flames, yeah, not for this old lady 😲
Here #photo #dailyphoto of my two #dogs #dogsofmasodon sleeping in the #car after today’s #DogWalk.
They love just being out in the car, driving, waiting, watching, sleeping, they just love it all.
For #weirdcarmastadon it’s an 03 #Toyota #RAV4 😉
#photo #dailyphoto #dogs #dogsofmasodon #car #DogWalk #weirdcarmastadon #toyota #rav4
#introduction #PagosaSprings #democraticparty #bread #colorado #HotSprings #photos #ArchuletaCounty #ArchuletaDems #GardeningMastodon #ChimayoChili #SantaFeOpera #projectmanager #project #agile #Rav4 #buddhism #flyfishing #meditation #LiberalGunClub #jayhawks #HatchChili #GreenChili #PressureCanning #instantpot #collegefootball #collegebasketball #SanJuanMountains #Wenenuche #SouthernUteTribe #co3 #WolfCreekPass #SanJuanRiver #GeorgeLakoff #ColoradoDems Curing ballots for #AdamForColorado
#introduction #pagosasprings #democraticparty #bread #colorado #hotsprings #photos #archuletacounty #archuletadems #gardeningmastodon #chimayochili #santafeopera #projectmanager #project #agile #rav4 #buddhism #flyfishing #meditation #liberalgunclub #jayhawks #hatchchili #greenchili #pressurecanning #instantpot #collegefootball #collegebasketball #sanjuanmountains #wenenuche #southernutetribe #co3 #wolfcreekpass #sanjuanriver #georgelakoff #coloradodems #adamforcolorado
Toyota #RAV4 Off-Road Package Debuts As More Rugged Model For Japan https://t.co/tGEQn39kc8 #AutoWorld #CarTalk #Tech https://t.co/kpBUXKMrvG
#rav4 #AutoWorld #cartalk #tech
Japan Is Getting A Rad #Toyota #RAV4 Off-Road Rescue #Vehicle Concept https://bit.ly/3jLCwyW