I didn't realize that I didn't take any glamour shots of this shawl until today ðŸ˜
It did make its way to its owner recently, though!
Pattern: Fading Point by Joji Locatelli
Yarn: SweetGeorgia Yarns Tough Love Sock
One of my favorite morning routines is the J <--> Raven switchening. He gets out of bed and starts his day, she jumps up and settles in next to me for a few hours. #RavenBaby
Free to a good home:
she's cute and she's very soft but sometimes she will scream and/or insist on laying on you even when you've kicked her off three times because you desperately need sleep but she doesn't care and now your life is just this one run on sentence
We have fun. #RavenBaby
(A couple of weeks ago, she started screaming at me until I'd let her lay on me. She will scream for hours. It is extremely annoying.)
Yes, Raven is laying on my work in progress and using my project bag as a pillow. Yes, I would love to be knitting right now. Yes, if I try to move her she will panic flail and potentially destroy my project.
The plan: I put a cat bed near me in the evening; Squeaky will sleep there instead of insisting that I hold him.
The reality: Raven takes the bed, Squeaky bathes in my arms.
#sirsqueakertonthefirst #ravenbaby
Well shit. She just figured out how to open this bathroom cabinet. #RavenBaby
@alexcox I use hashtags for each of mine, if you ever need more virtual chaos in your life:
#sirsqueakertonthefirst #ravenbaby #fateakachicken
Another #knitting project I finally got to its recipient, a year after I finished it.
She's also a cat owner, so I wasn't worried about the Soot Sprites laying on it while it blocked. #RavenBaby #SirSqueakertonTheFirst
Pattern: https://www.baroquepurls.com/tailfeather-scarf
Yarn: Malabrigo Rios in Bobby Blue
#knitting #ravenbaby #sirsqueakertonthefirst
Squeaky loves to chomp anything with acrylic fabric, including the heating pad I sit on most of the time. Raven is helplessly in love with eating cords and cables.
Why are the Soot Sprites so attracted to danger?
#ravenbaby #sirsqueakertonthefirst
I didn't think I'd get my library-themed yarn until late January or early February, but they're here! I tried to take a picture but it's after dark and I have cats. #knitting #crochet #yarn #SirSqueakertonTheFirst #RavenBaby
#knitting #crochet #yarn #sirsqueakertonthefirst #ravenbaby