#Tarot card of evening: Six of Wands. Your hard work will get you some appreciation in due time. Keep going, keep working. Take pride in doing good work and delivering strong.
Deck used: Raven's Prophecy Tarot.
#RavensProphecyTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch
#witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ravensprophecytarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The World-21.
By stepping back and reflecting, you can see better options clearly. At this moment, your road is clear; you can choose a new path, so choose for your highest good.
Deck used: Raven's Prophecy Tarot.
#RavensProphecyTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch #ravens
#ravens #witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ravensprophecytarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: The Empress-3.
That flame spark? Nurture it, then let it form a good, hot, steady fire. Same with a new project or idea, nurture it, then give it time to grow, mature until time to manifest.
Deck used: Raven's Prophecy Tarot.
#RavensProphecyTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch
#witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ravensprophecytarot #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Ace of Wands.
A spark of creativity and inspiration. Nurture that small flame, express your creativity, and let inspiration grow. Indulge your passion, feed the creative fire, and work to manifest what you really want.
Deck used: Raven's Prophecy Tarot.
#RavensProphecyTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch
#witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ravensprophecytarot #tarot
#Tarot underneath/shadow card of evening: Page of Swords, urging you to take up new studies or deepen work in your craft. So begin researching and pull resources together. Follow that urge to learn and create.
Deck used: Raven's Prophecy Tarot.
#RavensProphecyTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch #ravens
#ravens #witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ravensprophecytarot #tarot
#Tarot card of evening: Five of Cups.
Stop obsessing over past events and close calls. The past is done and gone. If you're safe and have enough, then you're good. Turn and see what you have, work with it, get going.
Deck used: Raven's Prophecy Tarot.
#RavensProphecyTarot #cartomancy #divination #pagan #heathen #witch #ravens
#ravens #witch #heathen #pagan #divination #cartomancy #ravensprophecytarot #tarot