@ademalsasa @probono @gugurumbe Well, #ravynOS is an idea. I doubt there is any chance to create a working OS with such little manpower. Non the less #macOS and #GNUstep are completely #ObjC based. The main frameworks are not a feature that could be merged in on a later point. Many of the features of #MacOSX and #iOS were possible only due to the dynamic nature of #ObjC (and #Swift nowadays).
#ravynos #macos #gnustep #objc #macosx #ios #swift
@ademalsasa @gugurumbe I think there was a GNUstep release for evaluating it, but @probono dropped it in favour of Qt tech. So helloSystem is not about *step or #ObjC now.
If you want to get closer to that look at #Darling (https://www.darlinghq.org) or #ravynOS (https://airyx.org) or #Nextspace (https://trunkmaster.github.io).
#objc #darling #ravynos #nextspace
I was cleaning up the many discord groups that I don’t engage with and I found a gem I forgot about…#ravynOS is trying to be an open source alternative to MacOS and run any app that you could on it(i guess that would be binary compatibility). It would be a stretch but I think it’s an amazing idea and would love to contribute to it some day.
Vielleicht spiel ich noch mal damit, aber jede einzelne Anwendung von hand und zu fuß über die Konsole .... das mir aktuell zu nerfig.
außerdem hab ich schon nen neues Spielzeug, mal was ganz was anderes 🙂
An #FreeBSD hab ich mich vor Jahren mal ran gewagt und kläglich versagt 🙂
Open Source: ravynOS möchte irgendwann das freie macOS darstellen https://www.computerbase.de/2022-07/ravynos-macos-freebsd-14-0/ #ravynOS #macOS #FreeBSD
Open Source: ravynOS möchte irgendwann das freie macOS darstellen https://www.computerbase.de/2022-07/ravynos-macos-freebsd-14-0/ #ravynOS #macOS #FreeBSD