PodcastData has just updated! ♻️
Now counting 4,205,339 podcasts and 98,121,919 episodes thanks to PodcastIndex. Still available for free. For every month. Since the year 2000! 📈 #opendata #opensource #rawgraphs
👉️ https://podcastdata.org/
#opendata #opensource #rawgraphs
PodcastData has just updated! ♻️
Now counting 4,116,719 podcasts and 96,544,798 episodes thanks to PodcastIndex. Still available for free. For every month. Since the year 2000! 📈 #opendata #opensource #rawgraphs
👉️ https://podcastdata.org/
#opendata #opensource #rawgraphs
Every number about podcasting is now freely available!
PodcastData has just updated with @PodcastindexOrg data, now counting 4 082 758 podcasts and 95 376 535 episodes. For every month. Since the year 2000! 📈 #opendata #opensource #rawgraphs
#opendata #opensource #rawgraphs
Do you use #rawgraphs (rawgraphs.io) for teaching? If so, they'd like you to answer some questions:
Hi all! My first post on vis.social :)
I'm one of the authors of RAWGraphs.io.
We are doing some research on how it is used in educational activities.
If you use RAWGraphs for teaching activities, plese share your experience with us by filling this form:
#datavisualization #education #rawgraphs #opensource
Experiments of integration between #socioviz and #rawgraphs, leveraging their strengths, with the aim of creating informative and original data visualizations.
#dataviz #SocialNetworkAnalysis
#socioviz #rawgraphs #dataviz #SocialNetworkAnalysis
In the run-up for the "Information is Beautiful" Awards #iibawards today, we met yesterday to recreate some of the shortlisted #dataviz pieces by @fivethirtyeight with:
#rstats and #ggplot2 | #D3 and #Svelte | #Flourish and #RAWgraphs
Watch the results and our discussion and conclusions here 👉 https://youtu.be/S6dGdI9h0KM
#rawgraphs #flourish #svelte #d3 #ggplot2 #rstats #dataviz #iibawards
I'll be giving a workshop in a couple of hours for those interested in learning more about the possibilities of #rawgraphs and #flourish for #informationisbeautiful. Used by developers and designers alike, these tools have a lot of potential. The only thing lacking is your imagination!
#informationisbeautiful #flourish #rawgraphs
RT @rawgraphs@twitter.com
Today it's the day! 🥳
We (@densitydesign@twitter.com @studiocalibro@twitter.com @inmagiklabs@twitter.com) are very excited to share the new version of #RAWGraphs with everyone.
Available at http://rawgraphs.io/
#datavisualization #dataviz #opensource #floss
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/rawgraphs/status/1364157995098267648
#floss #opensource #dataviz #datavisualization #rawgraphs