It's 2023 and I still have to encounter #rawls fanbois at a #philosophy conference smh
Hey, #atheists and other #secular types! Take the next step and question the provincial religious #morality you’re still rationalizing!
#philosophy #ethics #morals #values #reason #atheism #Aristotle #AynRand #PhilippaFoot #MichaelThompson #StevenPinker #Pinker #SamHarris #Harris #MichaelShermer #Shermer #Kant #Sidgwick #Rawls #Parfit #DavidHume #Hume #ACGrayling #Grayling #TrolleyProblem
#atheist #secular #morality #philosophy #ethics #morals #values #reason #atheism #aristotle #aynrand #philippafoot #michaelthompson #stevenpinker #pinker #samharris #harris #michaelshermer #shermer #kant #sidgwick #rawls #parfit #davidhume #hume #acgrayling #grayling #trolleyproblem
@jkb @lolennui Oh, the beauty of a #socialcontract!
Now please proceed to study John #Rawls' #Justice as #Fairness. And do not stop there, because - there's so much more to it, so... enjoy ;-)
#SocialContract #rawls #justice #fairness
"Warum Marxisten John #Rawls lesen sollten"
"Die analytische #Philosophie wird von Dogmatikern gerne als bürgerliche Theorie abgetan. Der analytische #Marxismus hat sich diesen Ansatz hingegen zunutze gemacht, um eine klarsichtige und rigorose Kritik des #Kapitalismus zu entwickeln."
📽️ #Gedankenexperiment: «SCHLEIER DES NICHTWISSENS» #SRF-Kultur:
#rawls #philosophie #marxismus #kapitalismus #gedankenexperiment #srf #chancengleichheit #fairness #ungleichheit #gerechtigkeit
John Rawls & ziviler Ungehorsam: Handelt die
@AufstandLastGen nach der Gerechtigkeitstheorie von #Rawls?
Es ist Aufgabe der Regierung das Vertrauen der letzten Generation in unsere #Demokratie zu stärken und nicht zu diffamieren und kriminalisieren.
Underrated Reddit interaction: I've been enjoying #DragonPrince on #Netflix and was amused by the scene in Series 2 where the king explains his theory of governing, which happens to be a direct lift of #Rawls 's veil of ignorance. Someone on Reddit also noticed this 4 years ago ... and the first comment is the showrunner replying to say they studied philosophy under Rawls!
On #Meritocracy As A Theory Of #DistributiveJustice
The “playing field” isn’t level, there is an oversupply of talent and the methods for determining #merit are often winner-take-all, the social determinants of merit often don’t line up with objective criteria of merit; and the methods for determining merit aren’t robustly sensitive to desert.
#rawls #equalopportunity #merit #distributivejustice #meritocracy
I'm taking a #ComputerHumanInteraction course at my college and the acronym in #Portuguese is IHC. This already striked me as a bit too #religious since IHC was commonly used in the #MiddleAges to refer to ΙΗΣΟΥΣ (Jesus).
And a few days ago I get another funny coincidence as our professor asked us to read a text about #HCI ethics [1] that begins by talking about #Christian #ethics. It then goes on to talk about #Rawls, #Utilitarianism and #TechnoLibertanism.
#computerhumaninteraction #portuguese #religious #middleages #hci #christian #ethics #rawls #utilitarianism #technolibertanism
Happy 100th birthday, John #Rawls! 🎉 Born #OTD in 1921, the political philosopher’s work has helped shape BR's editorial agenda.
To celebrate this centenary—and the 50th anniversary of “A Theory of Justice”— introduces a collection of essays:
I know #Rawls has a story about why proto-transformative teaching is objectionable in his #PoliticalLiberalism, but the general case has always struck me as an important question esp. for teachers who wish to foster growth in their students (some of that growth might be transformative in this technical sense) That combination of an original position and a veil of ignorance in order to justify a hypothetical social contract stems from John #Rawls. The concept is known as Justice as Fairness and was elaborated in A Theory of Justice (1971).
According to it, inequality can be justified as long as it benefits the least well off in a society.
#rawls #justiceasfairness #atheoryofjustice #philosophy
Rawls, suppôt du capitalisme ?
Rawls est parfois présenté comme un défenseur du statu quo, voire un néo-libéral. Sa théorie ne serait pas vraiment radicale, mais ne fait que justifier les institutions qui existent déjà dans nos sociétés, qu'en est-il vraiment?
#philo #politique #rawls #capitalisme
#philo #politique #rawls #capitalisme
Assuming life is pre-paid in-kind by future death, then "life is a gift" since it is given without debt.
Although the child-bearer, guardian and society's contributions are vital for a individual's life, no debt is owed since the individual had no choice in the matter.
Then life in itself is debt-free: from your 'nation', your friends and even your mother.