Wired: The Dark History ‘Oppenheimer’ Didn't Show https://www.wired.com/story/the-dark-history-oppenheimer-didnt-show/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #ChristopherNolan #Culture/Movies #RawMaterials #Backchannel #atomicbomb #longreads #Culture #nuclear #Congo
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #christophernolan #Culture #rawmaterials #Backchannel #atomicbomb #longreads #nuclear #congo
The Dark History ‘Oppenheimer’ Didn't Show - Coming from the Congo, I knew where the essential ingredient for the atomic bombs was min... - https://www.wired.com/story/the-dark-history-oppenheimer-didnt-show/ #culture/movies #rawmaterials #backchannel #culture
#backchannel #rawmaterials #culture
#Erdüberlastungstag #Briefing 261 #EarthOvershootDay #Germany #Deutschland #USA #Asia #ÖkologischerFußabdruck #ÖkologischerHandabdruck #Überverbrauch #Rohstoffe #Energie #CO2Ausstoß #CO2 #Energy #RawMaterials #Konsum #Verbrauch #Industrie #Verkehrswende
Erdüberlastungstag dieses Jahr am 2. August | Briefing 261| Klima / Umwelt, Gesellschaft, Wirtschaft
#erduberlastungstag #briefing #earthovershootday #germany #deutschland #usa #asia #okologischerfußabdruck #okologischerhandabdruck #uberverbrauch #rohstoffe #energie #co2ausstoß #co2 #energy #rawmaterials #konsum #verbrauch #industrie #verkehrswende
EU pushes alternative model to China in global race for raw materials https://www.euractiv.com/section/circular-economy/news/eu-pushes-alternative-model-to-china-in-global-race-for-raw-materials/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #CriticalRawMaterialsAct #Rawmaterials
#criticalrawmaterialsact #rawmaterials
Consumptogenic lifestyles either will reduce voluntarily now, or the planet will insist soon enough.
#climate #biodiversity #water #pollution #RawMaterials #extinction
#climate #biodiversity #water #pollution #rawmaterials #extinction
"Narratives of supply chains and raw materials are a poor fit for early modern Europeans’ “thrifty” habit of reusing and reworking goods into new forms. This essay stresses the importance of such habits for early modern work using the example of paper, as a medium, instrument, and epistemic resource in various domestic and scientific spheres. Thrifty perspectives challenge not only linear supply narratives but also enduring accounts of the identities of materials themselves."
Diverse Shapes: Used Goods as Material Resources in Early Modern Sciences, Simon Werrett
Thrifty Science: Making the Most of #Materials in the #History of Experiment, Simon Werrett
#Oeconomy #SupplyChains #Recycle #Repurposed #Repaired #Reuse #Thrift #RawMaterials #Nature #ExtractiveNarratives #Extractivism #Deforestation #Paper #Sustainability #MetabolismWithNature
#materials #history #oeconomy #supplychains #recycle #repurposed #repaired #reuse #thrift #rawmaterials #nature #extractivenarratives #extractivism #deforestation #paper #sustainability #metabolismwithnature
@sturle @Sustainable2050 @emberclimate
« What resources? Except for silisium and aluminium and glass (for the frame), which doesn't require fossil fuels to produce, there are only trace amounts of materials in solar cells. »
Wait ? What ? These #rawMaterials come out of the ground by themselves?
They use their own legs to go to the factory? Then the products leave the factory and get installed with their owns legs too?
Come one, please, get a bit serious.
Critical #RawMaterials are at the beginning of many industrial supply chains & their global demand is increasing.
Ahead of #EarthDay🌍, we're looking at how Copernicus & Galileo help activities like #mining reduce their environmental footprint.
#rawmaterials #EarthDay #mining #euspace
The #RawMaterials for Life Form Early on in #Stellar Nurseries
#cosmos #space #life #science
#rawmaterials #stellar #cosmos #space #life #science
I want people to realize that an insistence on a #notinmybackyard policy to all mining, is an insistence on #polluting someone else's backyard. The world isn't that big, out of sight does not mean it should be out of mind.
We have relatively good env. and human rights oversight in Europe, the same can not always be said to the places we are outsourcing our #rawmaterials needs to... #BayanObo
#notinmybackyard #polluting #rawmaterials #bayanobo #congocobalt #africancopper #chileanminesafety #globalenvironmentalism
Interesting way to look at #Degrowth: it is a good thing BECAUSE it is utopian http://unevenearth.org/2019/04/degrowth-is-utopian-and-thats-a-good-thing/ #capitalism #inequality #rawMaterials #democracy #happyness
#degrowth #capitalism #inequality #rawmaterials #democracy #happyness
Our #NetZeroValueChain initiative aims to make LANXESS #ClimateNeutral along the entire value chain. We explain how it works.
Today: Where do we get our sustainable #RawMaterials from?
#netzerovaluechain #climateneutral #rawmaterials
RT @ThierryBreton@twitter.com
Secure & sustainable access to critical #RawMaterials needs a favourable regulatory framework – and strong #investments 🇪🇺
Working with @EIB@twitter.com and EU financial sector to make it happen.
🔜 ‘Critical Raw Materials Act’ in March
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ThierryBreton/status/1617547310355091458
Why sustainable power looked unsustainable in 2009? Still true? (me: of course it is, IF one wants the SAME society/economy of 2009) http://www.newscientist.com/article/dn16550-why-sustainable-power-is-unsustainable.html #renewables #downshifting #greatReset #rawMaterials #eroi #sdgs
#renewables #downshifting #greatreset #rawmaterials #eroi #sdgs
#Degrowth is utopian, and that's a good thing http://unevenearth.org/2019/04/degrowth-is-utopian-and-thats-a-good-thing/ #capitalism #inequality #rawMaterials #democracy #happyness
#degrowth #capitalism #inequality #rawmaterials #democracy #happyness
The Need to Get Serious about "Critical Materials" https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/we-need-to-get-serious-about-critical-materials/ #rawMaterials #rareEarths #geopolitics
#rawmaterials #rareearths #geopolitics
Miedito me dan los planes de #TecnologíasLimpias en manos de esta gente.
#CleanTechnologies #GreenRecovery #GreenNewDeal #GreenCapitalism
#RawMaterials #MateriasPrimas #SíALaVidaNoALaMinería
#tecnologiaslimpias #cleantechnologies #GreenRecovery #greennewdeal #greencapitalism #rawmaterials #materiasprimas #sialavidanoalamineria
In het noordwesten van #Australië wordt driftig gegraven naar #ijzererts, een belangrijke #grondstof voor al onze #hebbedingetjes.
#gadgets #rawmaterials #ore #iron #mining #australia #hebbedingetjes #grondstof #ijzererts #australie
Thinking about HDR color pickers.
Thinking about HDR UI representations.