@jensclasen Unglaublich, dieser Autor hat noch nicht kapiert, dass „die Wirtschaft“ ohne das „Aussenrum“ - die Care-Arbeit, die Natur… nicht existieren könnte. See the big picture“ nennt das die Ökonomin Kate #Raworth in Donut-Ökonomie. Plus: Kinder, die nicht in Armut aufwachsen würden, hätten 15 Jahre später besseres Wissen & Motivation, etwas für die Gesellschaft zu tun. Sie wären glücklicher, hätten es weniger nötig, ihren Frust mit nervigen Verhaltensweisen loszuwerden.
The planet’s economist: has Kate #Raworth found a model for #sustainable living? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jun/08/the-planets-economist-has-kate-raworth-found-a-model-for-sustainable-living
#SystemChangeNotClimateChange bedeutet, dass die Klimagerechtigkeitsbewegung unsere Wirtschaftsweise und das #Wachstumsparadigma infrage stellen. Der Homo Oeconomicus ist ebenso wie grünes #Wachstum ein Mythos. Ein Agenda Setting, um Profiteure und die fossile Industrie weiter zu schützen.
Wollen wir eine sozial ökologische Transformation müssen wir uns alternative Wirtschaftsmodelle ansehen. Eine Alternative, die ich sehe, ist die Donut Ökonomie von Kate #Raworth.
#systemchangenotclimatechange #wachstumsparadigma #wachstum #raworth
Outstanding article from 2021, thankyou Émile P Torres and Dr Jones tor sharing.
To all those in the eco-related movements I have seen here. To almost all of those in any #ClimateJustice movement or hose concerned with #ClimateChange #EcologicalEconomics #AntiCapitalism #BioDiversity and their followers. To those who just restate the problem and endlessly re-post the data, or hand-wave about "it's urgent we do something", to #Hickel #Raworth #Kallis. To those who say "let's be optimistic and wait for a technological unicorn", #ProfessorSamFankhauser, and all peddlers of childish romanticicsm. To those who repeatedly outline the Utopia we had or could have again if we fixed the problems (*see list below.)
The greedy and cynical are winning, every day, and of course they don't care. They won't give up any of their privileges willingly. How will we stop them?
Work out how to effect change NOW, how to START a RAPID transition to the world you want to see, don't wallow in your repetitious banalities.
*Some of our #Problems as a species. Feel free to add to the list:
Transition policies absent from Manifestos
No Global cooperation
Dictators and Populism
Lobbying especially by Capitalist interests inc. Fossil Fuels
Subsidies for bad activity e.g. fossil fuels
Technologies inc. L.A.W.S., WMD.
Capitalism & Growth
Greed & Inequality
Overconsumption by the 1%
Corporations & Corp Law
GDP as driving metric
Plastic production and waste
Chemical Pollution inc. from Solar Panel manufacturing
Steel & Concrete e.g. in Wind Turbines, Fission power
Material Footprint
Forced crop changes
Beef & other meat production
Food Miles
Climate & Ecology
Carbon footprint & GHG emissions
Sea-level rise
Coral reef destruction
Species loss
Health & Social
Poverty & famine
Refugee crises, from war, famine, sea-level rise
Discrimination, by race, religion, colour
Zoonotic Pandemics
Antibiotic resistance
Climate stress
Drug abuse
Religious extremism
Information & Computing
Intellectual property inc. GM crops, medicines and vaccines
AI inc. Singularity
Surveillance Society
8bn now and 2bn increase projected
Models sanitised to ~linear scenarios
Feedback loops / Tipping points: Permafrost, and ice melt and albedo reduction
Inertia of Climate change in the pipeline
"Oh, there is hope, an infinite amount of hope - just not for us." Franz Kafka :earth: :earth:
#ClimateJustice #ClimateChange #ecologicaleconomics #anticapitalism #biodiversity #hickel #raworth #kallis #professorsamfankhauser #getagrip #problems
@afelia So ist es! Auch die #Marktwirtschaft ob sozial oder nicht, ist eine #Ideologie an. Der Glaube an endloses Wirtschaftswachstum ist eineIdeologie.Deswegen empfiehlt #Raworth be #agnostic about #growth #degrowth #klimakrise
#Marktwirtschaft #ideologie #raworth #agnostic #growth #degrowth #klimakrise
Did you know that a nephew of Sigmund #Freud apparently has invented #PublicRelations ? Kate #Raworth writes in #doughnuteconomics „…Edward Bernays realised that his uncle’s psychotherapy opened up a very lucrative world of retail therapy. His method of persuasion - tastefully named ‚public relations‘ - transformed marketing worldwide…“ We need to unlearn buying unnecessary stuff and use all resources much more carefully
#freud #PublicRelations #raworth #doughnuteconomics
Did you know that a nephew of Sigmund #Freud apparently has invented #PublicRelations ? Kate #Raworth writes in #Doughnot Economics „…Edward Bernays realised that his uncle’s psychotherapy opened up a very lucrative world of retail therapy. His method of persuasion - tastefully named ‚public relations‘ - transformed marketing worldwide…“ We need to unlearn buying unnecessary stuff and use all resources much more carefully
#freud #PublicRelations #raworth #Doughnot
RT @Haggis_UK@twitter.com
#Raworth - We did have a veto over Turkey joining the EU... do you now accept what you said in 2016 was misleading?
Penny Mordaunt - No
#Raworth - We did have a vito... as it's spelt out in article 49 of the treaty on the EU... what you said was misleading?
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Haggis_UK/status/1548599777285361665
What @PennyMordaunt doesn't seem to realise is that if you're going to go into politics and be a liar, you need to be a really good liar. She's not a really good liar.
RT @BBCPolitics
"The actual fact is, the UK had a veto" #Raworth challenges Tory leadership contender Penny Mordaunt on the accuracy of her comments about Turkey joining the EU
Mordaunt replies that "this is why people were so fed up with being in the EU"
#Wirtschaft hat schon lange keine Mission oder Vision mehr, reiner Selbstzweck. Ist inzwischen akademisch anerkannt, siehe zB Kate #Raworth. Also hat reiner Wirtschafts#liberalismus, der ja leider der nennenswerte Teil der #FDP ist, auch keine. Nichtstuns als Politikform. Könnte fast was von Zen haben, wenn's nicht so schlecht funktionieren würde.
RT @BBCPolitics@twitter.com
“I am virtually out of tools to help people now,” says the Money Saving Expert
Martin Lewis says the UK is facing the worst cost of living crisis he has ever seen
#Raworth http://bbc.in/3L4g1QB
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/BBCPolitics/status/1505479106653208579
When a custom extraction tool like #youtubeDL is needed just to download media, we should be taking action. I couldn't download an interview with Kate #Raworth because a podcast needed javascript just to play it. And #YTDL hasn't been coded to handle that site.
Wow indeed. Doughnut for a city - Amsterdam. Join this up with the Reflow project tools?
Amsterdam's a happening city!
#doughnut #raworth
@tao I guess you know the work of Kate #Raworth -- who shares your feelings about Economics as a field. Katherine #Gibson-Graham are also good on this. Back in the day the New School graduate faculty had a two-year track on Marx's #Capital, with Ross Thomson and Anwar Shaikh that drew lots of radicals (including me). Shaikh's "Capital" assembles all of his work over the years...