Acid Bong · @acid_bong
5 followers · 111 posts · Server

Recently i stumbled upon a concept of a pubnix (most prominent examples being SDF, Tildeverse, I've looked at some of the profiles (on tilde), yet i don't quite understand clearly what's this all about.

The first association i had was — a collection of very minimal platforms with SSH authentication: a normal blog, a blog for lists, a pastebin and an image platform. But this is sharing-only, and i feel that pubnixes can do more than that (interaction, i assume?).

If anyone has an experience with pubnixes, could you please elaborate on what they are and what do people do there?


#tildeverse #pubnix #rawtextclub

Last updated 2 years ago

Szczeżuja · @szczezuja
177 followers · 1574 posts · Server

The slow social network -
Anyone joined and have some opinions?


Last updated 4 years ago