#LegendOfWacken 🤘ist wirklich ein Grund mal nen Monat RTL+ zu zahlen! Bin extrem positiv überrascht, gut gemacht und klasse Schauspieler. Und #RayCokes ist dabei. Wahey! 😁
Feels a bit like MTV's Most Wanted is back again 🤩 https://youtu.be/S5beOblHEyA
>This is an edited version of The EEEEVENING SHOW! Test phase 2.We have adjusted (most of) the colour saturation and edited out some ( but not all) of the waf...
#90s #mtvsmostwanted #raycokes
#raycokes #mtvsmostwanted #90s
@Jyoti I'm a Greatest Hits gal. /Basic.
Also loved the band King in the 80s, #LoveAndPride being one of my first absolute favourites, so I was partial to #PaulKing hosting older stuff in general I guess.
Fruit of the Loom sponsoring that stuff as I recall, me first hearing of the brand thru the show. And other nostalgia trips earlier, prompted by the Your Woman reminder, so... Thanks?
Everyone back then loved #RayCokes + Davina of the hosts or VJs as I recall.
(Tags need public posts, btw.)
#loveandpride #paulking #raycokes
So... Gleich mal wieder in alten MTV-Zeiten schwelgen...
#mtvsmostwanted #xrayvision #raycokes #crapcast
#crapcast #raycokes #xrayvision #mtvsmostwanted