steve dustcircle ⍻ · @dustcircle
322 followers · 10803 posts · Server

Calls Young Earth a Fairy Tale (feat Dr )
Our examination of the " Exposed" all-star six-hour epic seminar with and 10 other well-known prominent speakers. This time, tells us that is really just a conflict of .

#christian #biologist #joelduff #evolution #creationist #raycomfort #antievolution #timchaffey #origins #worldviews

Last updated 1 year ago

RationalWiki · @RationalWiki
71 followers · 179 posts · Server

The banana argument is a specific teleological argument (argument from design) for based on the form and function of natural objects — specifically in this case the . According to Ray Comfort, the banana is "the atheist's nightmare", as he considers its ease of use, nutritional value, and "colour-coding" to be irrefutable proof of intelligent design. In its usual presentation, it is humorously foolish, so much so that Comfort has since taken to using it as a joke himself (and claiming that it always had been a joke or "stand up routine"), in contrast with the quite serious tactic he originally intended it as.

#theism #banana #rationalwiki #raycomfort #argumentfromdesign #atheism #intelligentdesign #creationism

Last updated 2 years ago

RationalWiki · @RationalWiki
28 followers · 28 posts · Server

Raymond "Ray" Comfort, also known as Banana Man is a author, video producer, street preacher, and liar for Jesus. Comfort is a young Earth creationist and opposes the theory of . His arguments for a young Earth are entirely unfounded in science, demonstrate basic misunderstandings of and in general, & often aren't even based on reality.

#protestant #christian #evolution #Science #creationism #youngearth #raycomfort #pseudoscience #rationalwiki

Last updated 2 years ago

Mike Taylor Lives · @anastas2002
105 followers · 1071 posts · Server