Dirty old river, must you keep rolling
Flowing into the night
People so busy, make me feel dizzy
Taxi light shines so bright
And I don't
Need no friends
As long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset
I am in paradise
#PouetRadio #TootRadio
#musique #music #live
#Kinks #RayDavies #DamonAlbarn
Ray Davies and Damon Albarn, Waterloo Sunset
#pouetradio #tootradio #musique #music #live #kinks #raydavies #DamonAlbarn #waterloosunset
#ThirtyDaySongChallenge #NowPlaying #TheKinks #RayDavies
Day 15c: A song you like that's a cover by another artist
"Waterloo Sunset" - #Spot (2005)
And finally: banjo/guitar/bodhrán master Glenn Michael Lockett aka Spot once gave us this wistful cover of the most beautiful London song ever. He passed away earlier this year, but I think about him every time I spin any of the dozens of records he produced for #SSTRecords in the early 80s. RIP.
#sstrecords #spot #raydavies #thekinks #nowplaying #thirtydaysongchallenge
50 years ago today, Ray Davies announces his retirement from The Kinks, then attempts suicide; neither effort successful
Since it’s his birthday I’m reposting my photo of Sir Raymond Douglas Davies.
#Photography #35mm #FilmPhotography #Photography #BlackAndWhitePhotography #TheKinks #Music #RayDavies #Photo #Bnw #NoirEtBlanc #Fotografie #ConcertPhotography
#concertphotography #fotografie #noiretblanc #bnw #photo #raydavies #music #thekinks #blackandwhitephotography #filmphotography #35mm #photography
Ted Tocks Covers
Celluloid Heroes
Originally posted on June 22, 2020
#RayDavies of the #TheKinks' was honoured with the London Legend Award at a ceremony held at the Camden Roundhouse. Upon accepting Davies said "I accept this on behalf of all the young writers coming through, all the young people embarking on careers and as a symbol of the future.”
"Everybody's a dreamer and everybody's a star
And everybody's in movies, it doesn't matter who you are"
#otep #overkill #ozzyosbourne #paulrodgers #paultaylor #philiph #pinkfloyd #pitchblackforecast #possessed #primalfear #primus #pungentstench #pyramaze #queensryche #quorthon #rage #rainbow #raisedfist #raisehell #rammstein #randyblythe #randyrhoads #raunchy #raydavies #riot #ritchieblackmore #robhalford #robzombie #roccodeluca #rogertaylor
@seandrysdale The Kinks had an amazing run, from #FaceToFace in '66 to #MuswellHillbillies in "71... almost singlehandedly achieved by #RayDavies' songwriting, with solid contributions by brother Dave.
#raydavies #muswellhillbillies #facetoface