Started reading Raymond E Feist's #Magician to Mr 7 at bedtime tonight. Got about 6 pages in before he was completely lights out đ
I'm already invested in a few series and don't want to immediately start a new series.
I'm currently invested in #TheWheelOfTime and I like to take a break from that series after every book so I tend to read other books, often part of another series.
I'm into the #Cosmere, which I've read the #Mistborn first era. I'm also reading #RaymondEFeist's #Riftwar cycle. I'm currently finishing off #TheFirstLaw trilogy.
#TheWheelOfTime #cosmere #mistborn #raymondefeist #riftwar #thefirstlaw
Mais j'ai continué à fouillé et j'ai trouvé l'info que je cherchais (qui n'est pas dans le planning). Le prochain #RaymondEFeist sort le 04/01/23 !!!!! Le tome 3 de La Légende des Firemane ! Joie et bonheur
Mr 7's been watching #TheDragonPrince on #Netflix and while it's super derivative, the art is terrific. I keep thinking it'd be awesome to see #REFeist's #Magician novels adapted to this style.
I mean, I've pretty much given up hope of ever seeing his books adapted as a live-action series like GoT, Wheel of Time, etc. Which is annoying as hell. #fantasy #raymondefeist
#thedragonprince #netflix #refeist #magician #fantasy #raymondefeist