Since the pandemic I have reread lots of old favourites, and intend to keep doing it. I will often have 2 books on the go, a new one and a reread.
Today I just started this old classic which I probably read 25-30 years ago
#bookstodon #books #fantasy #raymondfeist
Just began volume 2 of the #RiftwarSaga by #RaymondFeist "Milamber and the Valheru". I'm reading an autographed 1982 #Doubleday #BookClub edition, signed "For Terry! All Best".
I'm not Terry.😋
#riftwarsaga #raymondfeist #doubleday #bookclub
We have similar taste! Tho as you can see I might be obsessed with #EpicFantasy
#RobinHobb #NKJemisin #JannyWurts #GlenCook #JRRTolkien #DaveDuncan #JackVance #RaymondFeist
#epicfantasy #robinhobb #nkjemisin #jannywurts #glencook #jrrtolkien #daveduncan #jackvance #raymondfeist
Pt 2 of my #reading #books list, focused on #fantasy and #scifi authors I enjoy:
#tolkien #BenAaronovitch #GuyAdams #JodiTaylor #PatriciaMorrison #John Birmingham #JohnRingo #EricFlint #DavidWeber #DavidDrake #LarryCorreia #LEModesitt #TaylorAnderson #TravisTaylor #KatharineKerr #RaymondFeist #TomKratman #DavidGemmell #Dragonlance #StephenDonaldson #NaomiNovik #RMMeluch #DavidEddings #KevinHearne #TerryBrooks #KatherineKurtz #RobertJordan #StephenLawhead #TadWilliams #JackCampell #SMStirling
#reading #books #fantasy #scifi #tolkien #benaaronovitch #guyadams #joditaylor #patriciamorrison #john #johnringo #ericflint #davidweber #daviddrake #larrycorreia #lemodesitt #tayloranderson #travistaylor #katharinekerr #raymondfeist #tomkratman #davidgemmell #dragonlance #stephendonaldson #naominovik #rmmeluch #davideddings #kevinhearne #terrybrooks #katherinekurtz #robertjordan #stephenlawhead #tadwilliams #jackcampell #smstirling