"The Jingle Workshop: Midcentury Musical Miniatures 1951-1965"
by #RaymondScott
Released January 10, #2020
via #SundazedMusic_ModernHarmonic + #Bandcamp
#listeningto #raymondscott #sundazedmusic_modernharmonic #bandcamp
Monday morning listening...
Miss Gloria Lynne... (1958)
love her laid-back dart-and-dodge renditions of these standards.
(produced by Raymond Scott using much of the same band as The Secret 7)
#glorialynne #JazzStandards #raymondscott #mondaymorning
This is a sample of the #music that's playing in my head all the time.
❝ The peculiar strains of Raymond Scott’s music and the screwball slapstick of the Warner Bros. cartoons were a match made in heaven, although I’m sure part of what appealed to Carl Stalling was Scott’s penchant for descriptive titles. Instrumentals like “Reckless Night on Board an Ocean Liner” and “Dinner Music for a Pack of Hungry Cannibals” were readymade for inclusion in cartoon scores. ❞ → https://www.cartoonbrew.com/cartoon-study/raymond-scott-powerhouse-80th-anniversary-226143.html
#RaymondScott #LooneyTunes #FilmMusic #cartoons @apite
#cartoons #filmmusic #looneytunes #raymondscott
Yesterday was the 86th anniversary of the recording of a legendarily looney tune.
Powerhouse - Raymond Scott Quintette
If you watched #cartoons regularly, well, probably almost any time since 1943, you’ll recognize this song. Lots of fun clips in here to view, too. https://www.cartoonbrew.com/cartoon-study/raymond-scott-powerhouse-80th-anniversary-226143.html
#WarnorBros #BugBunny #PorkyPig #Animaniacs #Simpsons #RaymondScott #CarlStalling #animation
#cartoons #warnorbros #bugbunny #porkypig #animaniacs #simpsons #raymondscott #carlstalling #animation
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #AfternoonShow
Raymond Scott:
🎵 Cyclic Bit
#nowplaying #AfternoonShow #raymondscott
#RaymondScott gets a little placard at the #JimHenson exhibit at the #MuseumOfTheMovingImage
#raymondscott #jimhenson #museumofthemovingimage
In one of those 'well that took me long enough' moments, finally picked up a copy of this fine piece of work, the 1990 compilation The #CarlStalling Project. I had a rip forever and all but when I saw a copy for $3 today at Amoeba I thought 'well then.' And before anyone asks, yes I have #RaymondScott stuff as well, thanks. #music #WarnerBros
#carlstalling #raymondscott #music #warnerbros
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music's #6MusicsFestiveTakeover
Raymond Scott:
🎵 "Portofino" 1
#nowplaying #bbc6music #6musicsfestivetakeover #raymondscott
If anyone is searching for friends via hastags, here is some music I like:
#Beatles #XTC #DonnyHathaway #PrefabSprout #Bach #AstorPiazzolla #RaymondScott #LoungeLizards #RonSexsmith #Squeeze #TheZombies #BobbyWomack #Kraftwerk #Telemann #StevieWonder #PenguinCafeOrchestra #Spoon #NicoleAtkins #Can #NeilFinn #RoisinMurphy #ScottWalker #ThomasDolby #TalkingHeads #JoniMitchell #Ysaye
#beatles #xtc #DonnyHathaway #prefabsprout #bach #astorpiazzolla #raymondscott #loungelizards #ronsexsmith #Squeeze #thezombies #BobbyWomack #kraftwerk #Telemann #steviewonder #penguincafeorchestra #spoon #nicoleatkins #can #NeilFinn #roisinmurphy #scottwalker #thomasdolby #talkingheads #jonimitchell #ysaye
For the musically adventurous, #WFMU https://wfmu.org/playlists/shows/116413 opening with two #RaymondScott orchestral pieces, broadcasting from Montreal, Canada