What if we draw a bigger circle, all the way to New Zealand? Asked no one.
Okay! Here's a world population density map that looks like the three Netherstones (from BG3). Also, there's New Zealand all prominent (for once) with a teeny U.S.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Seems the more time and effort I put into my renders, the less appealing they are. NGL, feels good when my work is liked since I get zero satisfaction from my job otherwise.
Hmm, does it mean I do better work when I do it chop-chop? 🤔 Like this pop density of the arctic circle?
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Biomes of the Neotropic, home to one of our most important reserves of biodiversity.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Proof of concept of a new rayshader feature progress coming along nicely! Implemented my own algorithm to turn straight skeletons into 3D models, allowing for automatic roof generation from polygons!
#rstats #rayshader #rayrender #dataviz
One more for the weekend? This is Yakushima, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. Don't know how to write Japanese in FreeType in R so this will have to do.
Also, spinning renders are just an excuse to put the music I like into my renders. :P
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Yakushima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. I don't know how to write Japanese characters in freetype in R so this will have to do.
Yes, spinning renders are just an excuse to put the music I like into my renders. 😋
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Forest canopy height of Spain excluding Canarias, which I shall render separately.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
A forest canopy height map of Switzerland.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
A forest canopy height map of Germany.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
A forest canopy height map of Portugal minus outlying islands.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Managed to tear myself away from the Underdark to render this forest canopy height map of France. Tried to `render_highquality` while alt-tabbed but once rayshader kicks in, BG3 becomes a slideshow; it is quite a CPU hog.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
A forest canopy height map of the Netherlands.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Found this while trying to clean up my hard drive (somehow managed to download 1.3TB of geospatial data since the start of the year). Don't believe I've shared it so here it is—a population density map of Moscow. Seems I haven't figured out FreeType in this video.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
Today's forest canopy height map is Egypt. Not much to see as expected but the Nile is always an amazing sight—it sustains life in all forms.
#rayshader adventures, an #rstats tale
1/3 ‼️ New joint #rayshader #rayrender updates! {rayrender} was updated with `raymesh` support via the new `raymesh_model()` object, the mesh class used by {rayvertex}. {rayshader} was updated with `convert_rgl_to_raymesh()`, a function that converts the rgl scene to a `raymesh`. Which now means rayshader can `render_highquality()` and software render without touching the filesystem (meaning much faster renders) with a large intermediate OBJ file. How much faster are we talking?
Well... #RStats