@SocraticEthics totally agree that Wagner have created a problem, but what happens now? I can only see the problem fizzing out, unless other units in #RazPutin's army put their hands up.
@EugeneMcParland he doesn't know if #RazPutin is a war criminal because he just doesn't know anything. He is a totally ignorant person that just doesn't understand anything that will not make him a more powerful, richer person.
I despise you, #RazPutin, you are the cause of so much misery in this world. You are an #evil little person (you're not a man). I hope that #Karma visits you and hands out the slow, painful death you so richly deserve. #SlavaUkraini #Navalny #VPDFO #Beheadings
#beheadings #VPDFO #navalny #SlavaUkraini #karma #evil #razputin
An area of 174000 square kilometers which is larger than Wales, England and Northern Ireland is covered with landmines in #ukraine.
Fcuk #Ruzzia #SlavaUkraini #VPDFO #RazPutin
#razputin #VPDFO #SlavaUkraini #ruZZia #Ukraine
@saint_rebel_ukraine_ they just can't think for themselves they just blindly follow #RazPutin 's lead. #VPDFO βπΌπΊπ¦
@SocraticEthics get out, stay out and be prepared to face your punishment for #warcrimes committed #Ruzzians #RazPutin #RuzzianReich #SlavaUkrayini βπΌπΊπ¦
#SlavaUkrayini #RuzzianReich #razputin #ruzzians #warcrimes
@Ard #StandWithUkraine #SlavaUkraini #VPDFO #RazPutin #RuzzianReich βπΌπΊπ¦
#RuzzianReich #razputin #VPDFO #SlavaUkraini #StandWithUkraine
A #NATO enforced no fly zone over #Ukraine.
#SlavaUkraini #VPDFO #RazPutin #RuzzianReich βπΌπΊπ¦
#RuzzianReich #razputin #VPDFO #SlavaUkraini #Ukraine #nato
@EugeneMcParland I just find it frustrating that all these great countries are sending weapons, and #Ruzzia knows who they are, so why prolong the war. Go full tilt against #Ruzzia and end it now. #RazPutin doesn't have the manpower to fight the rest of the world. He has few allies. #VPDFO #ArmUkraineNow #SlavaUkraine
#SlavaUkraine #ArmUkraineNow #VPDFO #razputin #ruZZia
@Dell so bloody sad. Its time to stop giving arms to #Ukraine, cut out the middleman, and stick it up the #Ruzzkies. #ffs what more needs to happen? #RazPutin is sacrificing his prison population. Its ethnic cleansing on two fronts #VPDFO
#VPDFO #razputin #ffs #ruzzkies #Ukraine
Personally I would like to see Vladimir #RazPutin f**k off #VPDFO, but Harry is a very, very, very close second. #SlavaUkraini #ArmUkraineNow
#ArmUkraineNow #SlavaUkraini #VPDFO #razputin
@Penny_G the #ruZZian seat, on the #unsecuritycouncil being removed would also do it, but that is as likely as #RazPutin agreeing to those 10 conditions. I can't see where the end is going to come from.
#razputin #unsecuritycouncil #ruzzian
@themaltesemama if it wasn't so tragic it would be funny. There again he's only a ruzzian so its still funny. I just wish that someone would throw #RazPutin out of a window. I'd pay good money to see that. #VPDFO
@saint_rebel_ukraine_ #RazPutin watch this and be very afraid. You will not win #VPDFO
@saint_rebel_ukraine_ I wish you a safe and peaceful Christmas #VPDFO βπΌπΊπ¦ #SlavaUkrayini. To #RazPutin I wish that he rot in hell.
#razputin #SlavaUkrayini #VPDFO
Dear Mr #RazPutin,
I think you misunderstand the situation in #ukraine. You illegally invaded #Ukraine and for some bizarre reason, known only to yourself, you show no sign of leaving (apart from the odd retreat). Mr #Zelensky has been to the #USA to get weapons to, quite rightly, defend his country. He will accept #Peace when you take your murdering marauders home and give up your illegal land claims. Until then, #VPDFO. #SlavaUkraini #ArmUkraineNow βπΌπΊπ¦ #SlavaUkrayini #PeaceAndLove βοΈβ€οΈ
#peaceandlove #SlavaUkrayini #ArmUkraineNow #SlavaUkraini #VPDFO #peace #USA #zelensky #Ukraine #razputin
Dear Mr #RazPutin,
I think you misunderstand the situation in #ukraine. You illegally invaded #Ukraine and for some bizarre reason, known only to yourself, you show no sign of leaving (apart from the odd retreat). Mr #Zelensky has been to the #USA to get weapons to, quite rightly, defend his country. He will accept #Peace when you take your murdering marauders home and give up your illegal land claims. Until then, #VPDFO. #SlavaUkraini #ArmUkraineNow βπΌπΊπ¦ #SlavaUkrayini #PeaceAndLove βοΈβ€οΈ
#peaceandlove #SlavaUkrayini #ArmUkraineNow #SlavaUkraini #VPDFO #peace #USA #zelensky #Ukraine #razputin