#interestrates left unchanged this month by the #RBA. Guess we can put the lube away.
A little upset that in this gambling-happy country, I can’t place a bet on whether the #RBA is going to raise rates next week.
It's now established that wages are a minor factor on our current inflationary pressure.
So the #Australia #RBA can fiddle interest rates all they like and it will put lots of people out of work, but won't improve people's financial stress.
Can we have a Federal MegaCorporate Profit Margin Governor please? That's a much higher proportion of inflation. Dial those numbers down and see how much money that frees up for everyone else in our economy.
It's now established that wages are a minor influence on our current inflationary pressure, so the #Australia #RBA can fiddle interest rates all they like and it won't improve normal people's financial stress.
Can we have a Federal MegaCorporate Profit Margin Governor please? Dial those numbers down and see how much money that frees up for everyone else in our economy.
#AHeadwithTwoEyes @twoeyehead #cartoon: Michelle Bullock is now the #RBA governer. Hope she enjoys wiggling the lever, spouting discredited economic nonsense & doesn't forget to blame workers when she gets it wrong, just like Philip Lowe. #auspol #alttext
#alttext #auspol #rba #cartoon #aheadwithtwoeyes
Nyke Slawig (MdB, Grüne) zum Selbstbestimmungsgesetz – PINK CHANNEL
Interview mit @nyke_slawik aus Anlass des Parlamentarischen Regenbogenabend der Grünen zum Thema Selbstbestimmungsgesetz. #rba
Die Bundestagsabgeordnete Nyke Slawik erklärt auf dem parlamentarischen Regenbogenabend, dass es einen Entschließungsantrag geben wird, um Menschen für das erlittene Unrecht durch das in weiten Teilen verfassungswidrige #TSG zu entschädigen.
#TransRightsAreHumanRights #rba
#tsg #transrightsarehumanrights #rba
Der Queer-Beauftragte der Bundesregierung Sven Lehmann äußert sich auf dem parlamentarischen Regenbogenabend optimistisch, dass der Entwurf des Selbstbestimmungsgesetz in der parlamentarischen Beratung im Bundestag Verbesserungen erfährt.
#sbgg #rba
👀 oh wow :blobcatdizzy: how can one compete with that?!
"2022 a quarter of all #properties sold in NSW, Victoria and Queensland were paid in cash without #mortgage" https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-06-08/residential-properties-paid-in-cash-older-australians-inflation/102449436 #rba #wtf
#properties #mortgage #rba #wtf
MBJ _ #MattBissettJohnson :)
@mbjcartoonist #Cartoon for the Melbourne Observer #Auspol #RBA #ratehike #alttext
#alttext #RateHike #rba #auspol #cartoon #mattbissettjohnson
#Fiona Katauskas @FionaKatauskas Empathy, #RBA style- my @guardianaus #cartoon: Lost your job? Just think of it as doing your bit for the economy - Is there an upside to an economic downturn? The RBA seems to think so #alttext
when the news go "blabhblahblah but inflation continues to be stubbornly high" I feel so entirely let on by this gov 😬😒 societies are not a fiscal poker petrie dish 🤯 you're paid for competence but show none #rba
#GlenLeLievre @glenlelievre #cartoon: The war on inflation
More cartoons, gifs and videos on Patreon
https://patreon.com/glenlelievre #RBA #InterestRates #alttext
#alttext #interestrates #rba #cartoon #glenlelievre
#RBA Reserve Bank of #Australia raised interest rates by 0.25% on Tuesday to an 11y high and warned further #tightening may be required to ensure that #inflation returns to target, boosting #AUD as markets had been leaning towards a pause, chart @ReutersBiz bit.ly/3WNUVgp
#rba #australia #tightening #Inflation #aud
Reserve Bank governor Philip Lowe says people can cut back on their spending and work more to put themselves back into a cashflow positive position.
#rba #cashrate #inflation #australia #auspol
good write up on #inflation #rba
"If every shock is greeted with high interest rates and high unemployment, the result will be greater political instability and even greater economic dislocation. We must develop a stabilisation policy that grapples with what is really happening in the economy—instead of what the old textbooks say should be happening." https://www.newyorker.com/news/persons-of-interest/what-if-were-thinking-about-inflation-all-wrong