#PhilipLowe #RBAGovenor
Sack him. His BL says he is untrustworthy. Numerous face touching & mouth covering, holding back the truth of the matter. Ear touching blocking out what he's hearing, all signs are of lying & or deceit. Laughing , smiling inappropriately in the face of suffering.
#PhilipLowe #RBAGovenor
BL of the False Tie Adjust. A reliable indicator of anxiety. Men do this when they are not feeling assertive & try to dial up their Alpha. Also the False Cuff adjust, feeling insecure tries to dial up Alpha. Lifts out coat from chest ventilating. Stress hormones send blood to muscles & increase circulation causing a feeling of being hot.
#RBAGovenor #PhilipLowe
BL Palm down gestures. Power & dominance. Denial, aggression.To display authority. 'What I say goes.' Palms down is show of superiority. Suppressing, holding down. Counts points on fingers, condescending, receiver too stupid to understand.