RT @bank4future
Did you know that @RBC finances illegal pipelines using YOUR money?
Pipelines that violate Indigenous, provincial, federal and international law.
Tell @RBC that you want your money used in a way that respects the Rule of Law.
Maybe the RBC staff is hoping to outwait the protestors. Maybe they should have checked out what the protestors are sporting.
#RBCoffCampus #DefundCoastalGaslink #stopCGL #environment #OffTheYintah #TorontoActions #RBCisKillingMe #RoyalBankofCanada
#rbcoffcampus #defundcoastalgaslink #stopCGL #environment #offtheyintah #TorontoActions #RBCiskillingme #RoyalBankofCanada
Coordinating the Legal Observers for the U of T part of the RBC Off Campus Day of Action. There are also actions taking place at other universities, and we have an LO Team at the York action this afternoon.
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RBC is the number one funder of fossil fuels in Canada and the fifth largest funder in the world, having LED 262 billion dollars Canadian to fossil fuel projects since 2016.
RBC is also the lead financier of the Coastal Gaslink Pipeline, which does not have the consent of the Wet'suwet'en Hereditary Chiefs who are the rightful title holders of the land the pipeline will cross, and a lead funder of the Trans Mountain Pipeline, which does not have consent from local First Nations including the Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh peoples. By funding these projects, RBC is violating the principles of three, prior, and informed consent under United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and ignoring direct calls from the front lines to drop the project.
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Thus, we call on the UTSU to cut ties with RBC and develop a pathway to end on-campus relationship by taking the following actions:
1. Release a statement publicly, or sign on to a joint statement of student unions, condemning RBC's complacency in the climate crisis and ongoing involvement in projects that violate the rights and title of Indigenous people, like the CGL and TMX Pipelines.
2. Open a pilot account with Vancity or another credit union, and develop and release publicly a report investigating the process of a full transition away from banking with the RBC.
3. Develop a policy that prohibits banks' sponsorship of utsu events and activities, as well as booting in student union spaces (including club fairs, frosh week, and so on).
4. Disclose the details of the contract that the UTSU holds with the RBC On Campus branch.
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More at the petition:
#environment #TorontoActions #lolife #rbcoffcampus