Sure, #RBCRoyalBank, I have NOTHING BETTER TO DO than to go through EIGHT different statements all bearing the same “documents.pdf” file name, and renaming them all manually myself, in order to have file names that denote what they actually contain.
After all, that’s exactly what *I* pay you those high banking fees for, isn’t it? So that *I* have to do even more work to have a manageable filing system for my statements.
Banks and insurance companies, taking full advantage of us since… forever.
Why am I not surprised that, when I go to use #RBCRoyalBank’s web form for feedback about its web site (which it has outsourced to a company called OpinionLab in the US), and I try to file a report about an error message on the bank’s web site, I get… an error message on the feedback web site itself?
With those guys, it really never ends. Specialists in wasting people’s time and burying their heads in the sand!
Another day, another #RBCRoyalBank web site f*up…
I use Firefox for #macOS to access their web site because overall it works better than in #Safari. But recently, I have been getting this “Bad Request” error more and more. Typically occurs at the very end of the lengthy process of submitting a form, making it unclear whether the form has been processed at all or not. (It has not.)
No point in investigating. They’d blame my OS or… my browser. And in fact, I have yet to see the error in Safari.
Ah yes, #RBCRoyalBank, never change. Please never change. You make my daily life SO interesting.
My bank, upgrading their online banking system with a new file naming scheme for PDF statements that is on the bleeding edge of helpfulness…
The #RBCRoyalBank web developers are really completely clueless.
RBC spending $200 million to keep workers in tight labour market #RBC #LabourShortage #RBCRoyalBank #Labout #Bonuses #Raises #cdnpoli
#rbc #LabourShortage #rbcroyalbank #Labout #bonuses #raises #cdnpoli