Bald ist es wieder soweit - das ReeperbahnFestival #rbf steht an! Ich freue mich schon sehr darauf, wieder tolle Momente vor, auf und neben den Bühnen für MUSICSPOTS einzufangen und mit unserem tollen Team unterwegs zu sein. #crewlove #musicspots
Wer ist noch auf dem ReeperbahnFestival unterwegs?
It's called Resting Book Face. I know. I have t-shirts.
This was supposed to be done quick and dirty, but then we decided that Kolayoail needs something resembling a proper reference. I'm not sure how often Hewlett will draw this sea dragon woman tbh. Hard to come up with ideas, even with such an interesting character.
A feral woman, with limited intelligence, almost like a wild animal. Kolayoail is a warrior that loves to hunt, loves to fight... sometimes getting into fights with random people on the street! Oh but if you manage to tame Kolay and get past her rough nature, she likes to rescue stranded people, do swimming performances, and criticize how dry your skin is!
Kolayoail is also... like me... 🤔
Kolayoail can swim in the air by "hydrating" the air around her. You're not safe from her now!
She can make a water breathing solution, "Oxydale", and she can oxygenate water so that mammals can breath underwater!
Her magic source is water itself! The more water Kolay drinks, the more tricks she can do!
No promises. Let's see if she sticks around.
#Kolayoail #sea #water #dragon #rbf #swim #mermaid #wild #woman #vinyl #balloon #pooltoy #flowing
#kolayoail #sea #water #dragon #rbf #swim #mermaid #wild #woman #vinyl #balloon #pooltoy #flowing
i'm here. #firstpost
20230617 - sadboy weekend
#emo #portrait #sadpanda #tiredpanda #rbf #scruffy
#firstpost #emo #portrait #sadpanda #tiredpanda #rbf #scruffy
Too good. 🥳😝👏🎊
“Well, it turns out she doesn’t govern Colorado’s Third Congressional District and people are still free to do what they want. And what people in her district wanted to do was host a drag queen story hour.
In Glenwood Springs, Colorado this past weekend, the Roaring Fork Divas appeared at a storytime event, and it was a roaring success.” #Boebert #GOP #GOPHate #RBF #Drag #DragQueens #StoryHour #Colorado
#colorado #boebert #gop #gophate #rbf #drag #dragqueens #storyhour
RT @rbf_xberg
Erdbebenhilfe – Benefizkonzert
Fr, 17.03.23 | 19:00 | RegenbogenKino
* Der KMC
* Neşwan Hariki – Saz und Gesang
* Videobotschaft von Heyva Sor a Kurdistanê aus Qamişlo
* Andreas Wulf, medico international
#xberg #regenbogenfabrik #rbf #b1703
heute konzert
RT @rbf_xberg
Mi. 22.03.23 | 19:00 | #Regenbogenfabrik
Diesmal mit:
RAUFASERTAPETE (laut, fasrig, rau)
MACKERMASSAKER (feministischer Punk)
Bitte kommt getestet!
#rbf #b2203
Could it just be what some Twitterers are calling #RBF (#RestingBenFace)?
#BenAffleck just really hates award shows? And his honeymoon? Or being photographed/filmed? Could it be a #narcissist couple narcissisting in public?
I don't know (and don't really care). Nevertheless, his facial expression resembles the look I see on the face of many a client who has a #NPD, #BPD, #HPD partner. The "Dear Lord, please take me now," or "Dear God, Make me a bird, so I can fly far far away from here" (Jenny from Forrest Gump) face.
#rbf #restingbenface #benaffleck #narcissist #npd #bpd #hpd
It occurs to me the performative mask wearing might be a form of #narcissism #lookAtMe
For myself,I freaking LOVE🖤the fact a😷covers most of my face; no performative pleasant forced expressions b/c I recall decades ago someone once called me a DragonLady🙄 #RBF
I’m thinking specifically of Trudeau related clips but there are countless examples of others certainly
It’s all #insensible ; that’s not how air works & you only need couple snorts/inhales of unfiltered #sarscov2 air #infection
#narcissism #lookatme #rbf #insensible #sarscov2 #infection
Diesen Donnerstag im Regenbogencafé: "Zwangsräumung verhindern" stellt sich vor. Café ab 12 Uhr // Vortrag und Fragerunde: 19 Uhr // danach Kneipe bis 22 Uhr. Kommt vorbei!! #rbf #schlürf #regenbogenfabrik #so36berlin #kreuzberg
#rbf #schlurf #regenbogenfabrik #so36berlin #kreuzberg
This will be along side, what has been a staple since it's release, #HappySkalidays by #RBF #ReelBigFish -
#happyskalidays #rbf #reelbigfish #alternativechristmasmusic
„Businesses that accept zero confirmation transactions depend on the super majority of nodes' mempools refusing to replace transactions that haven't opted into RBF with a transaction flag.“
Häh? Ich würde als Node Betreiber die Sequence Nummer der TX prüfen ob RBF enabled ist (opt-in) und wenn ja, dann akzeptiere ich keine 0 confirmation TX. Oder verstehe ich hier etwas falsch?
The RBF Debate Is A Matter Of Incentives And Individual Choice
#replacebyfee #Bitcoincore #bitcoinnode #Technical #Opinion #Rbf
#replacebyfee #Bitcoincore #bitcoinnode #Technical #opinion #rbf
Do 03.11.22 | 19:00 | Regenbogencafé
Was passiert an Europas Grenzen? Das No Nation Truck Kollektiv aus Berlin gibt Einblicke in seine Arbeit. Schwerpunkt sind die Grenzen Nordfrankreich/England und Frankreich/Italien.
Why do we want love and affection from those who want nothing to do with us? *sigh* 😔
#neighbourhoodcat #cat #rbf #cute #judgementalcat #whatbreedisthis #鄰里貓而 #貓 #可愛 #什麼類
#neighbourhoodcat #cat #rbf #cute #judgementalcat #whatbreedisthis #鄰里貓而 #貓 #可愛 #什麼類