Ich bin dafür, dass diese Leute ihre Kommunikation mit ihrer Bank per #Clipperchip oder #RC4 „schützen“. #CryptoWarsPartN
Ansonsten #Buchtipp, der alte Klassiker:
„Disappearing Cryptography“
#cryptowarspartn #clipperchip #rc4 #buchtipp
I found a used RGT #RC4 for a good price a little while back and noticed it has a 255mm wheelbase, which means it is compatible with #Tamiya #CC01 bodies.
With a few relatively low cost upgrades, it seems pretty good:
• Generic 1.55in steel beadlock wheels with tires
• 15kg metal gear servo
• HSP 18024 gearbox and 20T motor (crappily mounted for now)
• ISDT ESC70 and FSGR3 receiver
Attacking Very Weak RC4-Like Ciphers the Hard Way
Analyzes variants RC-2zz and RC-2pz.
#cryptography #rc4 #cryptanalysis
#cryptography #rc4 #cryptanalysis
Hoffentlich hat mein Kiosk um die Ecke Mate... sonst wirds ab Tag 3 eng... #rc3 #rc4 #CongressBeta3