Season's Greetings from #RCBOX #rc2014bbs - the world's first and (currently) only #rc2014 based #BulletinBoardSystem on the network.
The #BBS software is a customized version of the original #RBBS 4.1 #BDSC code for #CPM which I extended to feature: a simple SysOp <-> User chat, support for Mr. Gelee's 4x 7-segemnt LED module for RC2014 (to display the active user number and activity locally), a Testfiles section and several bugfixes.
You can #Telnet to it on:
rc2014 (dot) ddns (dot) net : 2014
Please keep in mind that this is a single-user system, so if you get a *BUSY* message, try again later as someone else is already logged in.
#rcbox #rc2014bbs #rc2014 #bulletinboardsystem #bbs #rbbs #bdsc #cpm #telnet