Managing pain in the emergency department - some thoughts on analgesia choices and adjunctive strategies from RCEMlearning.
#foamed #rcemblogs
Hypertension in the ED. Thoughts on what counts as symptomatic, and how to treat the high BP. With multispecialty contributions I enjoyed this one.
#rcemblogs #foamed
How to holiday at home. Another bygone blog, with boxset recommendations and links to cultural activities.
#rcemblogs #FOAMed
Prioritisation in the ED- how do we decide who to treat first. Some old but unfortunately still valid thoughts in an old blog.
Managing major haemorrhage. The lethal triad, permissive hypotension and more. Another old Feb @RCEMLearning blog. #rcemblogs #FOAMed
The limping child. Another old February blog from @RCEMLearning. Is it a SUFE? Irritable hip? Septic arthritis? Toddlers fracture? Some musings . #FOAMed #foamped #rcemblogs
Long lines,midlines, picc, Hickman - lots of details on problem solving advanced line blockage, infections and more. An old blog from @RCEMLearning. #rcemblogs #FOAMed
Another February @rcemlearning blog... this one on how to write #foamed blogs from @ChrisWalsh05.
If you'd like to write us a blog get in touch (and read the blog).
Continuing a tropical diseases theme with our infectious diseases blog including malaria, typhoid, parathyroid, amoebic dysentery and more. Many many February's ago!
#rcemblogs #rcemlearning
Another old February blog, this time from @DrLingHarrison. It was the first time I had heard of the potential for convalescent plasma. The Ebola blog.…
#rcemblogs #foamed from @RCEMLearning
Next up, croup in the ED from @NikkiAbela. It's an old un but a good un.
#rcemblogs #foamed
Another February @RCEMLearning blog and this time by @AndyNeill on temperature taking. With some nice reminders of sensitivity and specificity and when a tympanic isn't great this is worth a read. #rcemblogs #FOAMed
Next, a welcome to the ED, again by @NikkiAbela. This was written long before our free induction package - and all of the sentiments still stand. #rcemblogs #FOAMed
So, February blog by blog. First up, a blog on education by @NikkiAbela exploring Maslow and more. #rcemblogs #foamed @rcemlearning
New RCEMLearning blog on crying infants in the emergency department. "IT CRIES" is a useful structure.
Another fabulous January RCEMLearningblog looking at abdominal pain in the elderly- with a case of when it all went wrong and an important examination finding was missed.
Tricky IV (intravenous) access - cannulation, IO (intraosseous access). A crowd sourced published in January RCEMLearning #rcemblogs #foamed #slo6 practical tips blog.
Blogs from RCEMLearning. Always worth a revisit.
First, January 2019s new year quiz with taser, paronychia, and more.