Welcome to the #Fediverse to colleagues in @PolarRES -
a #HorizonEurope project developing and running leading edge #RCMs (regional #ClimateModels) of both the #Arctic + #Antarctica...
#PolarRES is also something of a sister project to @OceanIceEU
#PolarRES #antarctica #arctic #climatemodels #rcms #horizoneurope #fediverse
This morning I have been sitting in a review of our #PolarRES project with EC + an independent scientist.
It's incredibly cool, seeing progress over the last 18 months, some incredible work already done + lots more on the way.
This figure shared by PI Priscilla Mooney struck me again.
What we're trying to do with the very high resolution #RCMs and the stretched grids in the #GCMs is *hard* + never really tried before.
Awesome #outreach plan too
#WatchThisSpace #outreach #GCMS #rcms #PolarRES