Looking to improve your applied #econometrics skills this summer, #EconTwitter ?
Pam Jakiela and I are thrilled to be back in person, teaching our summer school course on #RCTs in #development at the #Barcelona School of Economics (BSE), July 10-14.
Topics: RCT design, power calc's, attrition/bounding, strata/fixed effects, multiple testing, #machinelearning to choose controls and for treatment effect heterogeneity, pre-analysis plans – all w/ hands-on applications.
#econometrics #econtwitter #rcts #development #barcelona #machinelearning
Unsere #Pressemitteilung zum #BMJ-Paper von Wieseler et al.
"Effiziente RCTs mit #RealWorldData für Nutzenbewertungen: evidenzbasierte Versorgung beschleunigen!"
Gemeinsam mit Kollegen der belgischen HTA-Agentur KCE werben drei Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des IQWiG im BMJ für effizient geplante und durchgeführte #RCTs auch auf vermeintlich schwierigem Terrain.
#pressemitteilung #bmj #realworlddata #rcts
Investigating new drugs in routine practice after marketing authorisation (i.e. using #RealWorldData has been an integral part of accelerated approval concepts.
Recently, the debate was fuelled by availability of large data sets from electronic sources, e.g. electronic health records, claims data or patient registries.
In addition, there is the narrative of #RCTs becoming more and more difficult due to small patient populations or high costs.
📣 New #BMJ paper 📭 with colleagues from #KCE 🇧🇪, https://twitter.com/KCEfgov
Is replacing randomized controlled trials #RCTs 🎲 ⚖️ with real-world data #RWD 👩⚕️ 🗒️ for regulatory decisions a self-fullfilling prophecy?
How does the enthusiasm for observational data from routine practice affect the availability of robust #evidence 🔎 for decision making in our health care systems? 🏥
As a brief introduction to the topic, read our #thread of 8 posts 🧵
#bmj #kce #rcts #rwd #evidence #thread
RT @Prof_Nishith_P@twitter.com
#EconTwitter please help circulate this JD. I am hiring a #predoc with @p_mukherj@twitter.com who will work with use closely on few #RCTs and #AMIE! It’s an excellent opportunity if you want to get admitted to a top #econphd and #publicpolicy Phd programs! We take mentoring very seriously! https://twitter.com/bshubhro/status/1627329032470822912
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/Prof_Nishith_P/status/1627332245533999105
#econtwitter #PreDoc #rcts #amie #econphd #publicpolicy
A new #Cochrane Review on physical interventions against respiratory viruses is making the rounds. The review focuses exclusively on #RCTs and finds that in the entire scientific literature, there are 78 studies with a bearing on the various questions asked. (1/n)
Today, my sister and I both did some work on #RCTs we’re running… i helped design a website for tutors and she did brain surgery on a rat… we are doing two very different types of RCTs
Anyway, I keep meaning to write up a blog post on “falsehoods I have believed about measuring model performance” touching on #AppliedML issues related to #modelEvaluation, #metrics, #monitoring, #observability, and #experiments (#RCTs). The cool kids would call this #AIAlignment in their VC pitch decks, but even us #NormCore ML engineers have to wrestle with how to measure and optimize the real-world impact of our models.
#AppliedML #modelevaluation #metrics #monitoring #observability #experiments #rcts #aialignment #NormCore
RT @MiddeldorpS@twitter.com
So proud of all women and investigators who contributed to #Highlow. #Pregnant women deserve #RCTs and we have shown it can be done! #VTE #LMWH https://twitter.com/ProfMakris/status/1594819976728387600
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MiddeldorpS/status/1594945905094164480
#highlow #pregnant #rcts #vte #lmwh