Hey guys,
I took some #pics from the #Rdampopweek22 organised by #Popunie
Here's one 📷of TRAMHAUS at Rotown Rotterdam .
Check the report including more pictures from for example @rvrphoto at:
#sethpicturesmusic #sethabrikoos #fotografieren #popunie #rockmusic #rock #band #photographer #sonyalpha #publication #rotterdamcity #rdampopweek #fotograaf
#fotograaf #rdampopweek #rotterdamcity #publication #SonyAlpha #photographer #band #rock #rockmusic #fotografieren #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic #popunie #rdampopweek22 #pics
Akelei at Baroeg Rotterdam // Dutch Doom Days
#sethpicturesmusic #sethabrikoos #metalband #dutchmetal #guitarist #gitaar #drummer #metaldrummer #dutchmetalband #doommetal #doom #baroeg #baroegrotterdam #dutchdoomdays #rdampopweek #rotterdamsepopweek #rdampopweek22
#rdampopweek22 #rotterdamsepopweek #rdampopweek #dutchdoomdays #baroegrotterdam #baroeg #doom #doommetal #dutchmetalband #metaldrummer #drummer #gitaar #guitarist #dutchmetal #metalband #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic
Welcome to the new live blog of the Dutch Doom Days XX 2022.
The time schedule for today will be:
15.00-15.45 ACHE
(NL sludge doom)
16.15-17.00 Akelei
(NL atmospheric doom)
17.30-18.15 Heavy Lord
(NL sludge doom)
19.30-20.20 Eremit
(DE sludge doom)
20.50-22.00 MONOLITHE
(FR death / doom)
#sethpicturesmusic #sethabrikoos #metalband #dutchmetal #dutchmetalband #doommetal #doom #baroeg #baroegrotterdam #dutchdoomdays #rdampopweek #rotterdamsepopweek #rdampopweek22
#rdampopweek22 #rotterdamsepopweek #rdampopweek #dutchdoomdays #baroegrotterdam #baroeg #doom #doommetal #dutchmetalband #dutchmetal #metalband #sethabrikoos #sethpicturesmusic