Survey of Animated Logical Graphs
This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Logical Graphs, encompassing several families of graph-theoretic structures originally developed by Charles S. Peirce as graphical formal languages or visual styles of syntax amenable to interpretation for logical applications.
Please follow the above link for the full set of resources. A couple of beginning pieces are linked below.
Logical Graphs • Introduction
Logical Graphs • Formal Development
I've been thinking about ways to connect the species of logical graphs I've been developing out of Peirce's entitative and existential graphs with the styles of logical graphs envisioned in the RDF Surfaces group.
One thing arising out of those reflections was I began to tease apart two layers of structure, the one involved in conceiving and computing logical formulas and the other employed in displaying the end results.
At any rate, I'll explore that theme further as we go.
For now, the Survey page linked above will provide an overview of work already done.
#Peirce #Logic #LogicalGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #ExistentialGraphs
#SpencerBrown #LawsOfForm #PropositionalCalculus #LogicAsSemiotics
#RelationTheory #SignRelations #Semiotics #W3C #RDF #RDFSurfaces
#rdfsurfaces #rdf #w3c #semiotics #SignRelations #RelationTheory #logicassemiotics #PropositionalCalculus #lawsofform #spencerbrown #ExistentialGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce
Survey of Animated Logical Graphs
This is a Survey of blog and wiki posts on Logical Graphs, encompassing
several families of graph-theoretic structures originally developed by
Charles S. Peirce as graphical formal languages or visual styles of
syntax amenable to interpretation for logical applications.
Please follow the link above for the full set of resources.
Here I'll just link to a couple of beginning pieces.
Logical Graphs • Introduction
Logical Graphs • Formal Development
I've been thinking about ways to connect the species of logical graphs
I've been developing out of Peirce's entitative and existential graphs
with the styles of logical graphs envisioned in the RDF Surfaces group.
One thing arising out of those reflections was I began to tease apart
two layers of structure, the one involved in conceiving and computing
logical formulas and the other employed in displaying the end results.
At any rate, I'll be exploring that theme as we go.
For now, the Survey page linked above will provide an overview of work already done.
#Peirce #Logic #LogicalGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #ExistentialGraphs
#SpencerBrown #LawsOfForm #PropositionalCalculus #LogicAsSemiotics
#RelationTheory #SignRelations #Semiotics #W3C #RDF #RDFSurfaces
#rdfsurfaces #rdf #w3c #semiotics #SignRelations #RelationTheory #logicassemiotics #PropositionalCalculus #lawsofform #spencerbrown #ExistentialGraphs #EntitativeGraphs #LogicalGraphs #logic #Peirce
@bblfish @emondb @hochstenbach @josd @w3c
“Putting logic on the web changes logic itself”
— Pat Hayes
That could almost be the motto for all the work I've been doing on logical graphs for the last 50+ years.
Everything changed when I started putting what little I was incrementally learning about programming to work on what little I was gradually learning about logic and then everything took off when I ran into #Peirce's work on #LogicalGraphs.
#rdfsurfaces #LogicalGraphs #Peirce
@Inquiry @w3c @emondb @hochstenbach @josd
But yes, I think it should be fine to post your findings on Peirce to the #RDFSurfaces mailing list. That is a good way to make sure it can be referred to later.
@Inquiry @w3c @emondb @hochstenbach @josd
#RDFSurfaces is a @w3c community group. It is relatively easy to set those up. They don't get access to full WG support, so it very much depends on how well they organise themselves. With the high requirements of understanding RDF, Peirce and Logic, I think the group should be high quality and self-selecting.
The group just got started.
@bblfish @emondb @hochstenbach @josd @w3c
One question about the #RDFSurfaces list before we go any further — is it intended to be an actual working group or just for announcements?
@bblfish @emondb @hochstenbach @josd @w3c
I'm starting to lose track of all the different discussions in various venues. I'll put a #RDFSurfaces tag on this in hopes of being able to find it again.
I do remember discussing #Peirce and #LogicalGraphs and #CategoryTheory and #DigrammaticReasoning et cetera with Henry in one of the Zulip chatrooms a year, or maybe two ago ...
I'll repost some of what I wrote on the W³C list for anyone who may have missed it.
#digrammaticreasoning #categorytheory #LogicalGraphs #Peirce #rdfsurfaces
@hochstenbach I don't fully get the comparison: #Catmandu Fix transforms JSON-like records into with imperative language. #jq does roughly the same with functional language. #RDFSurfaces on the other hand uses graph rewriting and logic programming (afaik) to transform RDF graphs so its distinct from Catmandu on both axes.