U.S. scholars. Now there's a great opportunity to come and do some teaching and researching in Finland at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.
Apply for Fulbright Haaga-Helia Scholar Award for 2024-25. Apply by September 15, 2023!
Here is the link for more details:
Please, boost this freely in your academic circles. Thanks.
#teaching #research #RDI #Finland #HigherEducation #GrantProgram #JobOpportunity
#teaching #research #rdi #finland #highereducation #grantprogram #jobopportunity
sn-news: #es #open #flok #rdi Spain adopts national open access strategy https://sciencebusiness.net/news/open-science/spain-adopts-national-open-access-strategy
If we want to serve both our strategic objectives of regional impact and internationalisation, we should not only look at our regional activities from a regional perspective, but also through the eyes of an international audience of potential stakeholders and partners.
So... how does that impact us?
#Edufication #EteläSavo #Finland #ImpactCommunication #Ingenium #internationalisation #Kymenlaakso #XamkPulse #RegionalImpact #research #RDI #AppliedScience #UAS #Xamk
#edufication #etelasavo #finland #impactcommunication #ingenium #internationalisation #kymenlaakso #xamkpulse #regionalimpact #research #rdi #appliedscience #uas #xamk
sn-news: #photonics #rdi #data #communication #open #flok Making open data sharing easy - Nature Photonics has now integrated the Figshare data repository into its submission system https://www.nature.com/articles/s41566-023-01192-2 , https://figshare.com
#photonics #rdi #data #communication #open #flok
Budget Fédéral Canadien
M. Y-F Blanchet Chef du BLOC Québécois en a fait une analyse exautive et juste qui dépasse de loin celles des PERROQUETS du spin du Gouv. Trudeau, invités à #RDI soit Clément Gignac, Gérald Fillion et Luc Godebout !!!
#BlocQuebecois #Blanchet #Budget #Federal #Gignac #Fillion #Godebout #Trudeau
#rdi #blocquebecois #blanchet #budget #federal #gignac #fillion #godebout #trudeau
In case you missed Henning Bredel talk about "Geonode in Research Data Infrastructures", check out the video! #Geonode #FOSSGIS2023 #RDI
Exploring the impact of RDI | Xamk READ
“(...) In my Xamk READ article I study the impact of research, development and innovation (RDI). In addition, I introduce our RDI impact model we use here [at the South-East Finland University of Applied Sciences] (...)” my colleague Anne Hytönen writes on the birdsite.
I’ll invite her over here. 🙂
#RDI #research #development #impact #ScienceCommunication #XamkREAD #Xamk
#rdi #research #development #impact #sciencecommunication #xamkread #xamk
Télévision - Sport
PK Péladeau craint de devoir fermer TVA-Sport !!! Il est en train de perdre la bataille de L'ABRUTISSEMENT PUBLICITAIRE des téléspectateurs.
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#AlienTape #Sonnet #Ancestry #Trivago #Léon #Tampax #Poise
#alientape #sonnet #ancestry #trivago #leon #tampax #poise #rdi #rds #ici #crtc #media #tv #pub #sport
sn-news: #eu #uk #rdi #funding UK requests for Horizon Europe fee renegotiation risk further delaying association https://sciencebusiness.net/news/Horizon-Europe/uk-requests-horizon-europe-fee-renegotiation-risk-further-delaying-association
sn-news: #eu #ch #rdi #funding New data shows cost of Swiss exclusion from Horizon Europe https://sciencebusiness.net/news-byte/new-data-shows-cost-swiss-exclusion-horizon-europe
Garderie de Laval
Sans atténuer la gravité de l'évènement, la population du Québec a été soumise hier a un véritable GAVAGE MÉDIATIQUE débile. On peut se demander à qui sert surtout cette répétition maladive de la même information. Surement pas aux enfant et à leur parents.
Est-ce que les #RDI et #LCN vont annuler leurs émissions régulières aujourd'hui pour la mort de 4 personnes dans un incendie cette nuit à Sainte-Julienne ???
#RadioCanada #LCN #TVA #LeDevoir #JDM #LaPresse #LeSoleil #AFP #TVA #CAQ #PQ #QS
#rdi #lcn #radiocanada #tva #ledevoir #jdm #lapresse #lesoleil #AFP #caq #pq #qs
With Trump returing to Musk's Twitter, it's time to get strategic
"(...) Politicians, news organizations, universities, foundations, nonprofits and NGOs must also re-evaluate their relationships to Twitter. (...)"
#OpenAccess #OpenScience #OpenResearch #education #HigherEducation #RDI #PublicValues
#publicvalues #rdi #Highereducation #education #openresearch #openscience #openaccess
With Trump returing to Musk's Twitter, it's time to get strategic
"(...) Politicians, news organizations, universities, foundations, nonprofits and NGOs must also re-evaluate their relationships to Twitter. (...)"
#OpenAccess #OpenScience #OpenResearch #education #HigherEducation #RDI
#rdi #Highereducation #education #openresearch #openscience #openaccess
…Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture at okm.fi/ammattikorkeakoulut for subdomains that might indicate Mastodon or other fediverse applications. Only Xamk.
I googled the domain names of the 14 universities listed by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture at https://okm.fi/yliopistot. I didn’t detect any fediverse instances hosted by universities that way.
#EducationFinland #HigherEducation #education #RDI #research #AppliedSciences #UAS #universities #Mastodon #fediverse #Xamk
#educationfinland #highereducation #education #rdi #research #appliedsciences #uas #universities #mastodon #fediverse #xamk
Update on the Finnish UAS and universities Mastodon/fediverse look-up:
I don't know how reliable and up-to-date this database of Mastodon instances at https://www.fediverse.to is, but I've searched it for Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences. Nothing other than https://fedi.xamk.fi came up.
#EducationFinland #HigherEducation #education #RDI #research #AppliedSciences #UAS #universities #Mastodon #fediverse #Xamk
I googled the domain names of the 24 UASs listed by the…
#educationfinland #highereducation #education #rdi #research #appliedsciences #uas #universities #mastodon #fediverse #xamk
You probably guessed it: I’m trying to find out if we are the only Finnish UAS in this brave new world so far.
So let me pop this question to our Mastodon community. If anyone is aware of any university of applied sciences that has a fediverse presence, please give us a shout. Thanks!
#MastodonFinland #MastodonFI #fediverse #HigherEducation #ScienceAndResearch #RDI #UAS #UASs #Xamk
#mastodonfinland #mastodonfi #fediverse #highereducation #scienceandresearch #rdi #uas #uass #xamk
I googled the domain names of the 24 universities of applied sciences listed on this page by the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture: https://okm.fi/ammattikorkeakoulut
The search phrase I used for each AMK followed this pattern:
[domainname].fi "mastodon" OR [domainname].fi "fediverse"
I viewed all results and didn’t find any fediverse instances of UAS's - except for https://fedi.xamk.fi.
#MastodonFinland #MastodonFI #fediverse #HigherEducation #ScienceAndResearch #RDI #UAS #UASs #Xamk
#mastodonfinland #mastodonfi #fediverse #highereducation #scienceandresearch #rdi #uas #uass #xamk
Showing off my game collection a bit at a time. We start with my favorite of all of them #RedDragonInn or #RDI for short. Made by #SlugfestGames, this card game is what happens in the inn after the adventure is over. Players choose a character each with a unique deck, and in some cases other features, to stay sober and still have gold. Pass out or go broke, and you are out of the game. Best played with 4-5 people, each numbered expansion is a stand alone game, but combine for more fun.
#reddragoninn #rdi #slugfestgames
Conseil télé : Ce soir c'est l'émission spécial consommation/Noël de Zone Économie. Un must pour moi chaque année (même quand j'était obligé de l'écouter pour le travail.)
sn-news: #eu #open #data #rdi The use case observatory: A 3 year monitoring of 30 reuse cases to understand the economic, governmental, social, and environmental impact of open data - volume I https://data.europa.eu/en/doc/use-case-observatory-3-year-monitoring-30-reuse-cases-understand-economic-governmental-social